29 Questions You Never Thought Could Have Answers (But They Do)

29 Questions You Never Thought Could Have Answers_But They Do

To inspire you to really delve deep and ask this wisdom questions you don’t think can even be answered, here are 29 questions you never thought could have answers… but which do.

I.e. Kabbalah was made to answer all of these questions. We explain why in depth in our courses, but hope to give you a taste of it in the upcoming Q&A Celebration.

Here’s the list:

1. How can I feel happy all the time?

2. How can we achieve peace among all the different people, races, nations, cultures, classes – all the world’s divisions?

3. How can we make our world perfect to live in?

Want One of These Questions Answered? Ask It in the Q&A Celebration Page Here »

4. How can we feel pleasure that doesn’t quench when we feel the pleasure, but that just keeps increasing and increasing once we feel the pleasure?

5. What exactly is love, and where does it come from?

6. Where is the line drawn between Nature and God? In other words, what are the similarities and differences between Nature and God?

7. What is the meaning of life, the universe and everything?

8. Why was I born on this planet?

9. Where did I come from?

Want One of These Questions Answered? Ask It in the Q&A Celebration Page Here »

10. What happens to me when I die?

11. How is it possible to create a society where every person respects and uplifts every other person, where everyone feels more confident and happier every time they make contact with society?

12. How is it possible to reconcile the differences between the world’s major religions, so that everyone lives in peace?

13. Is it possible to clearly perceive and feel God, not just to believe in God?

14. Is it possible to attain God scientifically, the same way we can attain results from a science experiment if we follow the procedure properly?

15. What happened before the Big Bang?

16. What is the future, final form of humanity’s existence?

17. What comes first: thought or desire?

Want One of These Questions Answered? Ask It in the Q&A Celebration Page Here »

18. How is it possible to achieve equality and happiness among all people?

19. Is it possible to get undeniable scientific evidence of a soul?

20. Is it possible to get undeniable scientific evidence of a God?

21. Why is humanity becoming growingly interdependent, and how can this interdependence be experienced positively?

22. Is there an absolute way of defining “good” and “evil”? I.e. can a way of defining “good” and “evil” not be based on any morals or ethics, but based on what exists in nature as good and evil?

23. Is it possible to resolve the creation vs. evolution debate once and for all? Did humans evolve from monkeys, or were we created? Also, how could this answer be verified so that it’s not just another person’s opinion, but that it could be tested by every person and the results proven?

24. Considering that we perceive reality through five senses – sight, smell, touch, hearing, taste – is it possible to develop another sense, and through that sense, perceive a whole different reality? If yes, how can that new sense be developed?

25. Is it possible to understand the Bible in a purely scientific way? I.e. How can we read the Bible not as a collection of stories and fables, but as manual for how to perceive the deepest forces acting on reality, and how to attain and influence reality from that level?

26. What is the cause of Islam’s rise in the world today? Is it just because, on average, Muslims have been giving birth to more children than any other race over the years, or is there a deeper root to it? If there’s a deeper root, what is it?

27. Is it possible to resolve the nature vs. nurture debate once and for all? Are all our talents, skills, qualities and abilities inborn, or are they acquired throughout our lives? Also, how could this answer be verified so that it’s not just another person’s opinion, but that it could be tested by every person and the results proven?

Want One of These Questions Answered? Ask It in the Q&A Celebration Page Here »

28. Is it possible to resolve the Israel and Palestine conflict once and for all? If it’s possible, then what would be needed to resolve it?

29. How can every person think and act in a way that considers the benefit of all other people to the same extent as the person considers one’s own self benefit?

These are just a few questions I cooked up now, which I can already see Kabbalah’s answers to them.

That’s one of the reasons why we put on the “What Is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything?” Q&A Celebration coming up on Tuesday, 1 December, 2015…

We want you to be able to be as impressed as we were in how this ancient wisdom has literally all the answers.

I look forward to seeing you at the Celebration!

Here’s your link to attend:


By the way, if you’re interested in seeing Kabbalah’s answer to one of those questions above, then feel free to copy/paste it in the question-asking form on the above-linked page 🙂



Your friend at the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah

Education & Research Institute

P.S. If you think these questions and the Q&A Celebration event would interest any of your friends, then feel free to invite them too. The more the merrier 🙂

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