How to Get the Creator to Help You Advance Spiritually

How to Get the Creator to Help You Advance Spiritually

2 Things to Ask for When Obstacles Appear

When we experience obstacles in our advance toward the Creator, we must ask the following of the Creator:

1. That the Creator remove all the obstacles, which He Himself sends, so that we can overcome them by our own means, and not be in need of greater spiritual strengths than we already possess.

2. That the Creator grant us a greater desire for spiritual understanding, and impart to us the importance of spiritual ascent. Then, obstacles will not be able to stop us on the path to the Creator. We as individuals are willing to give up everything in the world for our lives, if life is valuable to us. For this reason, we must ask the Creator to grant us a taste of spiritual life so no obstacles will deter us. A spiritual desire implies a desire to give, and to use one’s desire only for the pleasure of others. A desire to please oneself is absent from the spiritual realm. The material world is diametrically opposite to the spiritual world.


Needing the Light of the Creator

But if there is no common ground or common qualities between the spiritual (altruism) and the material (egoism), how can one correct egoism? The spiritual Light, which is able to transform egoism into altruism, cannot enter an egoistic desire.

The reason the world does not perceive the Creator is because the Light of the Creator enters any object only to the degree that the qualities of the object correspond to the qualities of the Light.

Only the Light of the Creator can change an egoistic vessel into a spiritual one by entering it. There is no other way.

Therefore, He created human beings; first, to exist under the influence of egoistic forces and to receive such qualities from them that would separate them from the spiritual; then, to come under the influence of the spiritual forces.

Finally, while working on their own spiritual center in the heart, with the help of Kabbalah they must correct those desires they had received from the ego’s forces.

Attaining the Worlds BeyondHow to Get the Creator to Help You Advance Spiritually” is based on the book, Attaining the Worlds Beyond by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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