Egoism Obstructs Your Spiritual Development. Here’s How to Beat It!

Egoism Obstructs Your Spiritual Development_Here’s How to Beat It

Kabbalah Helps a Person Understand Himself

Just as we are incapable of correctly assessing our own true condition, neither can we discern whether we are in a stage of spiritual ascent or descent. For although we may feel we are in a spiritual downturn, in fact it might be the Will of the Creator, showing us our true state. This demonstrates that without self-indulgence, we are incapable of functioning and are immediately given to despair. Even depression and anger may result because our bodies are not receiving enough pleasure from such an existence.

But, in fact, this lack represents a spiritual ascent, for at that moment we are closer to the truth than before, when we were happy in this world. It is said that “one who increases knowledge also increases sorrow.” Conversely, a feeling that one is experiencing spiritual ascent may simply be a misinterpreted state of self-indulgence and complacency.

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The Holiday of Purim in Our Times

The Holiday of Purim in Our Times

“If we unite, then there is no force in the world that can go against us, no force in the world.”
[Source: Dr. Michael Laitman, Purim Holiday: No Force In The World Can Stand Up To Our Unity]


The Holiday of Purim Revealed in Our Times

All of the events described in the history of Purim are hints at the corrections we have to go through. It’s important to translate these corrections from the poetic, colorful language of legend to the language of qualitative inner changes in order to understand that it is talking only about how to strengthen the connection between us.

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Curious about Kabbalah? Here it Is in a Nutshell

Curious about Kabbalah_Here it Is in a Nutshell

The Need to Build a True Prayer

The Light that emanates from the writings of the great Kabbalists will help us overcome two challenges: our stubbornness and our tendency to forget the suffering caused by our willfulness. Prayer is the pathway to all correction, which the Creator will see in our hearts.

When we engage fully in prayer, we will attain whatever relief we seek; whatever correction we require.

But in order to achieve correction, we must give ourselves over completely to this effort—in body, mind and spirit. True prayer and the response to it relief, come only on the condition that one has engaged one’s utmost effort, giving oneself entirely over to this effort, both quantitatively and, most importantly, qualitatively.

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Recent Highlights from Dr. Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog

Recent Highlights from Dr. Michael Laitman’s Personal Blog

The cause of the global crisis is in our miscalculating the program of nature. Our relationships with each other and with the environment should be developed towards a state of Adam (human), i.e. the similarity to the upper force of nature and the property of bestowal and love. It is the complete interaction of the whole of humanity, as all parts of nature on the still, vegetative and animate levels are connected with each other. [Source: Dr. Michael Laitman, A Total Collapse Is Approaching]

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What Kabbalah Can Do for You

What Kabbalah Can Do for You

Passing the First Stage of Spiritual Development

In order for us to reach this goal of creation, there are two successive stages in a person’s path. The first entails suffering and ordeals until a person frees self from egoism. But once we have passed that first stage and gotten rid of all personal desires, once we are able to direct all thought to the Creator, then we may begin a new life, one full of spiritual joy and eternal tranquility, as originally conceived by the Will of the Creator at the beginning of creation.


Kabbalah Can Free You from Selfishness

We need not follow a path of complete self-denial to the extent of being satisfied with a slice of bread, a sip of water and a rest on bare earth as if to accustom our bodies to renouncing egoism. Instead of forcibly suppressing our physical desires, we have been given Kabbalah, the Light of Kabbalah, which can help each of us get rid of egoism, the root of all misfortune.

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