The Best Way to Prepare for Spirituality

The Best Way to Prepare for Spirituality

The Special Spice Contained in the Book of Zohar

“Neither shall you lack the salt of the covenant of your god from your offering.” Why is salt so important? It is because it cleanses and perfumes the bitter, and makes it tasty. Salt is Dinim [judgments] in the Masach [screen] of Hirik, on which the middle line emerges, which unites the right with the left. It cleanses, perfumes, and sweetens the Dinim of the left, which are bitter, with the Hassadim [mercies] on the right line. Had there not been salt, the middle line would not have been extended and the world would not have been able to tolerate the bitterness.

 Zohar for All, VaYechi [Jacob Lived], Item 666

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5 Rules that Will Unlock the Book of Zohar for You

5 Rules that Will Unlock the Book of Zohar for You

The language of The Zohar remedies the soul, even when one does not understand what it says at all. It is similar to one who enters a perfumery; even when he does not take a thing, he still absorbs the fragrance.
Rabbi Moshe Chaim Ephraim of Sudilkov, Degel Machaneh Ephraim [The Banner of the Camp of Ephraim], Excerpts

The Book of Zohar is a wonderful tool. It can open an entire world of wonderful and surprising revelations before us. The Zohar is like a gate to the actual reality, currently hidden from our senses. However, to use the power within it effectively, we must learn how to read in The Zohar properly. The five rules below will summarize the entire contents of the book and will help you prepare for the great journey in the paths of The Zohar.

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Unveiling the Way to Receive Spiritual Pleasures

Unveiling the Way to Receive Spiritual Pleasures

A Hidden World that Exists Above Our Own

The Wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that the whole of reality is a single system where we can learn how to connect to the Creator, to become like Him.

To allow us to perform the entire process, the Creator created a communication system between Him and us. Through it He leads us from above, and through it we can ask from below and receive His assistance.

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