How to Find the Sweet Spot Where in Darkness Shines Light

How to Find the Sweet Spot Where in Darkness Shines Light

You Can Draw Your Pleasure with Desire

To understand at least something about the surrounding nature and ourselves, we need to have a clear idea of the purpose of Creation and its final state, as the intermediate states are rather deceptive.

Kabbalists assert that the purpose of Creation is to bring the created beings to the ultimate pleasure. For this reason, the Creator created souls, the “will to receive pleasure.” And since he wished to completely satiate them with delight, He created a massive will to enjoy, well matched for His will to bestow pleasure. Thus, the soul is the will to enjoy.


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In accordance with this desire, the soul receives pleasure from the Creator. The amount of received pleasure can be measured by the degree of desire to receive it.

All that exists is either related to the Creator or to His Creation. Prior to the creation of the will to enjoy, or the souls, only the Creator’s will to bestow delight existed. Hence, in line with His desire, the will to bestow delight created an equal amount of the will to enjoy; however, it was opposite in property.

Consequently, the will to enjoy is the only thing that was created and exists besides the Creator. Moreover, this will is the material of all the worlds and all objects that populate them. And the pleasure emanating from the Creator vitalizes and governs it all.


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In the spiritual worlds, the discrepancy between properties and desires separates two spiritual objects, moving them away from one another just like two corporeal objects separated by distance. In our world, if two people love and hate the same thing, meaning their predilections coincide, we say that they are close to one another.

If their predilections and views differ, their remoteness is proportionate to the difference between their predilections and views. Affinity between people is determined by “spiritual” closeness, not by physical distance. Those who love each other adhere to each other and merge, while those who hate each other are as spiritually distant as two poles.


Where You Stand in Worlds of Darkness and Light

The will to receive pleasure: The soul is infinitely remote from the Creator because it is opposite from the Creator’s will to bestow pleasure. To mend this remoteness of the souls from the Creator, all the worlds were created and divided into two antagonistic systems:the four pure worlds Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya (ABYA) opposite the four impure worlds ABYA.

The difference between the system of the pure worlds and the system of the impure worlds lies only in the fact that the distinctive property of the first, pure worlds is to bestow delight, and the distinctive property of the second, impure worlds, is to receive delight. In other words, the initial desire to enjoy was split into two parts: one remained the same in its properties (to receive) while the other acquired the attributes of the Creator, i.e., drew closer to Him, merged with Him.


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Afterwards, the worlds were transformed down to our corporeal world, meaning to the place where humans exist as “body and soul” systems. The body is the will to receive pleasure that descended unchanged through the impure worlds Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya (ABYA), which is the will to enjoy for its own sake – egoism.

Hence, a person is born an egoist and continues to exist under the influence of this system until he or she begins to observe the spiritual laws and brings joy to the Creator. In so doing, one gradually purifies oneself of egoism (the will to enjoy for oneself) and acquires the desire to enjoy for the Creator’s sake. Then, the soul descends through the whole system of pure worlds Atzilut, Beria, Yetzira, and Assiya (ABYA) and dresses in a body.

Here begins a correction period that continues until all egoism is transformed into altruism (the will to enjoy only for the sake of the Creator).

Basic Concepts in Kabbalah“How to Find the Sweet Spot Where in Darkness Shines Light” is based on the bookBasic Concepts in Kabbalah: Expanding Your Inner Vision by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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