You Can Totally Transform Your Nature and Reveal the Secrets of the Universe

You Can Totally Transform Your Nature and Reveal the Secrets of the Universe

The Bad News Is – Transformation Is Beyond Your Power; The Good News Is – There Is Another Way

By following the Creator’s will, feelings, and thoughts, we become like Him. In the same way that the Creator acts only for the sake of His created beings, we have to wish well for our fellow beings and to be good to them all.

However, is it possible for us to do good to others with absolute selflessness?

After all, the Creator created us as absolute egoists, possessing only the will to enjoy. It is impossible for us to transform our nature. Even if we could always be good to each other, we would consciously or subconsciously try to derive some benefit for ourselves. Unless we see some self-profit, we are unable to make even the slightest movement for the sake of another.


Why You Should Learn How to Draw the Light Upon Yourself through Kabbalah

People are powerless to change their nature of absolute egoism, let alone transform it into something completely opposite. We are unable to be good without receiving honor, rest, fame, health, or money in return.

This is why the method of observing the spiritual laws through Kabbalah was given to humanity. Using the method of Kabbalah, we can draw the light upon ourselves that transforms our nature. There is no other means by which our nature can be changed.


To Envision Your Transformation, Take Example from Nature

The body and its organs make a single whole and constantly exchange sensations and information. For example, if the body feels that one of its parts can improve the general condition of the whole body, that particular part immediately feels it and fulfills this will. In case some body part suffers, the whole body instantly knows about it and tries to improve the situation.


Why We Feel Trapped on the Other Side of the Looking Glass

Similar to the case of the severed body part, one can understand a person’s state, or rather, the state of the soul that attains unity with the Creator. Before dressing in the body, the soul is seemingly a single whole with the Creator. However, once dressed in the body, it completely separates itself from Him due to the difference between the properties of the Creator and those of the body. This means that by imparting the sensation of egoism to the soul, the Creator created something distinct from Himself. This is because different desires separate objects in the spiritual world, and, in contrast to us, the Creator contains absolutely no egoism.

Therefore, the object (the soul) and the egoism (the body) become separate parts. Similarly, the person is remote from the Creator, like an organ that was cut off from the body. They are so distant from each other that one does not feel the Creator at all. Indeed, the distance is so great that he can only believe in Him, not know Him.


How to Attain Transformation and Unlock the Secrets of the Universe

If we attain unity with the Creator by making our properties equivalent to His, we attain His thoughts and desires. This means that by observing the spiritual laws taught through the method of Kabbalah, we can transform the egoism that separates us from the Creator, into altruism. We become like Him. When we transform our nature and make it similar to the Creator’s, we also reveal the secrets of Kabbalah. This means that we attain the Creator’s thoughts – the secrets of the universe.

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“You Can Totally Transform Your Nature and Reveal the Secrets of the Universe” is based on the book, Basic Concepts in Kabbalah: Expanding Your Inner Vision by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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