Why Now Is the Time of Deliverance & the Great Gift It Offers

Why Now Is the Time of Deliverance & the Great Gift It Offers

Step One – Grab the Power of Kabbalah Like a Rope Thrown to a Drowning Person

There are two parts to Kabbalah: revealed and hidden. Both constitute the Creator’s thoughts. Kabbalah is like a rope thrown from above to a drowning person in a sea of egoism. By observing spiritual laws, a person prepares for the second, main stage when the one who observes and the one who obliges spiritually merge.


Revealed! The Steps on the Spiritual Ladder and What You Will See on the Climb

Those who observe spiritual rules go through five levels: NefeshRuachNeshamaHaya, andYechida. Each level consists of five sub-levels, which are then divided into five additional sub-levels. In all, the ladder of spiritual ascent, or closeness to the Creator, consists of 125 steps. The five main steps of this ladder are called “worlds.” Their sub-levels are called Partzufim, which consist of Sefirot.

All that exists in a certain spiritual world perceives the objects in that world and below it. However, they cannot even imagine or feel anything from a higher world. Therefore, one who reaches one of the 125 levels attains all the souls that exist there from the past, present, and future generations and remains there with them.


How Through Kabbalah You Can Gain Sight of Incredible Levels of Attainment

We, who exist only in our world, are unable to imagine or feel anything existing at other levels or other worlds, including those that populate them.

Kabbalists that reach a certain level on their path to the Creator can describe that level with expressions that only people who attained it can understand. Those who have not attained the described level can be confused by such descriptions and be led away from the correct understanding.


Why Our Generation Has the Gift Envied by All Others and What It Is

As was said above, our path to the Creator is divided into 125 levels/degrees, but one cannot ascend all of them prior to completing one’s correction. There are two distinctions between all the generations and the last, completely corrected one:

  1. Only in the last generation will it be possible to attain all 125 levels.
  2. In past generations, only a few people could attain the other worlds. In the last generation, everyone will be able to ascend through the spiritual levels and merge with the Creator.

The term “last generation” refers to all human generations from 1995 onward because, according to The Book of Zohar, that was the time when humankind entered a new phase – that of The Final Correction. In Kabbalah, this period is also called the “time of deliverance,” when humanity is destined to come out of the lowest state.


Trailblazers on the Spiritual Path and the Guidebook They Left Behind

Rashbi and his disciples ascended all 125 levels. This is why they were able to write The Book of Zohar, which encompasses all 125 levels of the worlds. It is therefore said in The Zohar that the book will be revealed only at “the end of days,” meaning on the eve of the end of correction. Other generations couldn’t reach the end of correction. Thus, they could not understand this book because they were unable to surmount all 125 levels from which the Book of Zohar is written. In our generation, we can all reach the 125th level; at that time, we can all understand the Book of Zohar.


An Astounding Sign of the Times and How It Can Help You

The fact that a contemporary Kabbalist succeeded in fully commenting on the Book of Zohar is a sign that we are on the threshold of the last generation, and that anyone can understand the Book of Zohar. Indeed, not a single commentary on the Book of Zohar appeared before our time. Today, we have available to us the clear, complete Sulam commentary on the Book of Zohar written by Baal HaSulam, just as it should be in the last generation.


You Hold the Key to the Corrected Worlds

However, we should understand that spiritual actions do not occur the way physical actions do: that is, cause and effect do not directly follow. In our time, the spiritual state of the worlds is ready for the coming of the Messiah (the force that pulls Creation out of egoism and leads it to altruism). Yet, this merely gives us an opportunity for attainment, whereas actual attainment depends on us and our spiritual levels.

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“Why Now Is the Time of Deliverance & the Great Gift It Offers” is based on the book, Basic Concepts in Kabbalah: Expanding Your Inner Vision by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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