If Creation Is a Garden of Desire, How Do We Help It Grow? – Gardening Tips to Turn Your Desires Toward the Light

If Creation Is a Garden of Desire, How Do We Help It Grow?

How to Get Back to the Garden – the Riot of Color, Texture, Fragrance That Is ‘We’

Kabbalah says that all that was ever created in all the worlds consists only of the Light and the vessel it fills. The only creation is the vessel that wishes to receive the Light coming directly from the Creator. This will to receive the Light that brings life and pleasure to the vessel is both the spiritual and the corporeal substance, depending on one’s intensity of desire.

The differences in nature, quality, and quantity among all created beings lie only in the extent of this desire, which is accordingly filled with the Light coming from the life-giving Creator. All that separates one object from another and produces colors, substances, waves, and other differentiating factors results from the capacity of the will to receive, and therefore, of the amount of Light that fills it. In other words, a desire of one size yields the form of a mineral; different sizes of desires form liquids, colors, or waves. Everything depends on the position on the scale of desire, while the amount of Light that embraces us and all the worlds is equal and invariable.


Know Every Need and Provide the Freedom to Thrive

Now we can clarify the question about freedom of the individual. Since we already understand that an individual consists of a will to receive a certain quantity of the Creator’s Light, all the traits peculiar to that desire depend solely on the intensity of this desire, on the force of the attraction of the Light.

The attraction force we usually call “ego” compels us to struggle for our existence.


Explore Your Garden’s Micro Environments – There is a Perfect Spot for Each

We acquire all our ideas through the influence of our environment, for a grain develops only in its soil, in the environment that suits it. Hence, the only choice we have in life is the choice of our society, our circle of friends. By changing our environment, we necessarily change our views because an individual is merely a copy, a product of his or her society.

People who realize this conclude that one has no freedom of will because one is a product of society and one’s thought does not manage one’s body. Rather, the external information is stored in the brain’s memory; and like a mirror, the brain merely reflects everything that occurs in the environment.


Tiptoe Lightly, Garden Gently and Don’t Pick Flowers

Our origin is our basic, primary material. We inherit our aspirations and inclinations, and this inheritance is the only thing that distinguishes one person from another. Everyone is influenced differently by society; this is why we will never find two identical people. Know that this primary material is the individual’s true wealth, and one should not try to modify it because, by developing one’s unique traits, a person becomes a personality.


Nature Knows Best – No Such Thing as a Weed

If we destroy one of the ego’s desires or aspirations, we deny it the opportunity to use its potential “vessel,” the fulfillment of which is its Creator-given right. Therefore, a person who does away with even a single impulse or aspiration creates emptiness in the world; this impulse or aspiration will never be repeated in any other body. From this we see what a crime “civilized nations” commit by forcing their culture on other nations and by destroying their foundations.


2 Vitalizing Tips:  Learn the Wisdom of Community Design and the Value of a Master Gardener

Yet, is it possible to ensure complete individual freedom in a society? Clearly, to function normally, society must impose its laws, restrictions, and norms on individuals. It follows that one is in a constant struggle with one’s society. Here arises an even sharper point: if the majority has the right to dictate society’s rules, and the masses are always less developed than the most developed persons in society, this would create regression instead of progress.

If a society establishes its laws in accordance with spiritual laws, those who observe them do not lose an opportunity as individuals to merge with the Creator. This is because these laws are the natural laws of governance over the world and society. If a society creates its own laws, which contradict the laws of the spiritual nature, only those who observe spiritual laws will achieve their maximum development.


Find the Perfect Blend of Nature and Nurture – Take Nature’s Hand and Enter Eden

According to the purposeful governance, we must observe the laws of nature so that individuals and society will develop in the right direction. Kabbalah instructs that we make all decisions according to society’s opinion. Kabbalah shows us that in daily life we must accept the opinion of the majority, while in spiritual development we must follow the opinion of developed individuals.

This rule is called the “natural law of governance.” All the rules and laws of the science of Kabbalah comprise the laws of nature’s governance. While studying the interconnections between the laws that influence our world from Above downward through Kabbalah, it becomes clear that the law of the majority’s influence in the society is a natural one.

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“If Creation Is a Garden of Desire, How Do We Help It Grow? – Gardening Tips to Turn Your Desires Toward the Light” is based on the book, Basic Concepts in Kabbalah: Expanding Your Inner Vision by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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Image: "Growth" by Adam Selwood.

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