The Guide to Develop a Positive Relationship with Nature

The Guide to Develop a Positive Relationship with Nature

The Key to Organizing Life in the Best Possible Way Today

The soul is like a computer program. Before it dresses in substance, it is no more than a thought, an idea, a collection of connections between events in various situations. The system the Creator built is also like a computer program; the Creator is the program. If we study it, we will be able to organize the situations we face in the best possible way for ourselves and for society. That program is not detached from our thoughts, rather it is inside us. But it is a still an object in and of itself.


Nature Is Unchanging

The program, the Creator, doesn’t change, no matter how much we might like it to. But thoughts and prayers, meaning our desires, are what change us. The Creator is a desire: “The desire to delight (please) the creatures.” As a result of past suffering, we become better suited for this program; we feel it is suitable for us, that it seems to treat us mercifully.

Kabbalah explains that the upper force, meaning the plan of the Creator, is complete, and it is only the vessels that change. Everything depends on the changes in the vessels, not on the light, because the light does not change.

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Now You Can Understand and Take Control of the System of Reality

Now You Can Understand and Take Control of the System of Reality

Some People Actually Understand the Entire System of Nature

Kabbalists want to teach you how to do whatever you want using a special program in your “computer.” The system in this computer is nature, but humanity is the only part in this system that actually operates, which is why it sometimes seems as though nature is caged in a box, in a computer, and only we are outside. We are the only ones who can work with this program—receive data, affect that data, and get a response to our actions on the screen.

Kabbalists are the only ones who use and control this program, and they pass on the knowledge about the right approach to nature and how to control it from generation to generation. Their books describe how this world can be managed. This wisdom is called Hochmat ha Nistar (the wisdom of the hidden), because only a worthy person can study it, and for the rest it remains a secret. If a person does not correct his or her attributes as nature demands, he or she cannot understand that wisdom. Even in our present situation, we can begin to learn this wisdom. And even if we use it egoistically for the time being, we will improve our situation and our lives.

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How Complete Balance with Nature Can Be Achieved

How Complete Balance with Nature Can Be Achieved

Why It Is Beneficial to Live in Accord with Nature’s Laws

We do not say anything new in Kabbalah that goes against human logic. All the laws of the natural sciences speak in one form or another about each part of creation striving for the center, for a physical-biological balance (whether an atom, a molecule, an inanimate object, or a living organism). This is the principle of every law of nature, and it is also the principle of Kabbalah, but Kabbalah relates those collective laws of creation to humanity.

The very fact that we are a part of nature necessitates us to be subordinate to it. It is not a question of will, and neither is our very existence in this world. Hence, if a person accepts the laws of nature and keeps them, he or she will feel good, and if not, the opposite.

The collective laws of nature bring us back to a state of balance called the “center of creation.” The minute you begin to want to go back to that center, as the law that returns does, you will feel that you are stepping on a comfortable road, because you agree with the force and keep its laws. On the other hand, if you do not know that law and act according to your own understanding, you will be punished. That is the way nature works—anyone who breaks its laws is punished, including people, who are inseparable parts of nature.


Introducing the Law of Equivalence of Form

We are the only creatures who regularly break the laws of nature because all other creatures work only according to their natural impulses. Those impulses also exist in us, but they are not enough for us to know how to behave in nature, and if we do not acquire this knowledge, we will simply become extinct.

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Do You Want To Experience Enormous Spiritual Advancement? Read This

Do You Want To Experience Enormous Spiritual Advancement? Read This

Kabbalah Unveils the Mystery of What Happens to Your Soul After Your Body Dies

Kabbalah teaches us that our physical body is simply a clothing for or eternal soul, that goes through life cycles as it develops towards its final correction.

What happens to our bodies after death is much like what happens to the wheat seed when it rots in the ground. The physical body disintegrates and we receive a new body. But the soul, the former spiritual potential, still remains in the form of a gene, potential information that transcends from one phase, from the old physical body to the next, through a physical detachment called “death.”

As long as the body has not fully disintegrated, the next cycle cannot start. Only when it disintegrates does the new cycle of evolution begin. That is why Jews bury their dead with- out delay. There are even some practices that enable the new life to begin sooner, such as adding lime to the grave so that the body will rot faster—as though asking for the new phase of correction to begin sooner.


The Secret of Developing Your Soul Without Having to Undergo Death

The transition from life to life requires a complete disintegration, just like the wheat seed, until only the essence remains: a pure power, denied of any physical clothing. This essence is called the reshimo. Between the degrees, between one life cycle and the next, there is a severance, a void. For this reason a person cannot see the transitions from phase to phase. However, a Kabbalist transcends from cycle to cycle thousands of times. He or she controls the transitions, and in each of them leaves behind a reshimo. A Kabbalist doesn’t need to leave the physical body to begin a new life because he or she identifies with the soul, not with the body.

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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Rising Above Your Human Nature

The Ultimate Guide to Understanding and Rising Above Your Human Nature

Why Each Person Lives a Timeless Existence

The evolution of the generations in the world is nothing more than an appearance and disappearance of physical bodies. The souls, however, that fill the physical body, the primary “I,” do not disappear. They only change the body that carries them. Therefore, all the generations, from the first to the very last, are considered to be one generation that has been stretched over thousands of years, from the cradle of humankind to its final correction and the attainment of complete rest and wholeness.

Because its substance comes from an upper level, the demise of the body makes no difference to the soul. Physical death is as meaningless to our soul as cutting our nails or our hair is to the physical body. Nails and hair belong to the vegetative part in us, whereas the physical body belongs to a higher degree, the animate level. By studying how the soul is dressed in the body, a person is freed from death in his or her life.


Introducing the First 2 (of 4) Elements that Define a Human Being

To understand what the upper force allows us to choose, what is left to our free will, we must first examine our “I,” the four elements that comprise us. The first element is called the “bed,” the foundation. It is the basic, primary substance of which we are all made. That is what we received from the Creator. It is what defines our essence. The Creator created it ex nihilo, out of nothingness, something new that did not exist before. This is the substance that is imprinted in every one of us and predetermined in advance.

The second element is made up of the laws of the evolution of our essence. These laws do not change; they are predefined by the Creator, because they extend from the nature of the essence and its predetermined form, which the essence strives to  come to as the purpose of its creation. Every seed, animal, and human being has within it the program and the laws of its evolution, and we cannot influence it.

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