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February 24, 2025

Want to Develop Your Sixth Sense? Read This

Want to Develop Your Sixth Sense? Read This

The Need for Additional Senses to Sense the Spiritual Reality

To research itself and the surroundings, humanity has developed various sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, and so on. These are called the natural sciences, and they are based on our five senses. To help ourselves study nature, we have built instruments that extend the range of our senses. Gradually, from generation to generation, we have gained experience and reached a better understanding of the problem of survival in this world. But among all sciences, there is one that develops us quite differently—the science of Kabbalah.

Beyond the corporeal world that we research, there is another world, which is concealed. But if it is invisible, how can we assume that this other world really exists? It is because we see that there are specific laws, which are a part of a broader reality. We understand that such general, more rational laws, which describe our lives and our existence comprehensively, simply must exist. There is something that eludes us, something around us we cannot grasp. But how can we come to grasp it if we don’t have the appropriate senses?


Why Human Development Increases Suffering

It is quite possible that this alternate creation does exist around us in all its layers, but we divide it into the apprehended part we call “our world” or “this world,” and the as-yet-unfelt layer. If we had other senses, although it’s hard for us to imagine it, we would probably also feel the world differently, perhaps with a broader and deeper vision. But such senses don’t exist, and so we suffer. We don’t know how to behave with one another and with our surroundings because we don’t see our past and future lives.

When dealing with a scientific study of the world, we come to a stage where our knowledge is exhausted, and we’re left helpless. Though there are many ways to enhance our ability to predict the future, beyond the boundaries of our regular senses, they in fact add very little to our understanding of the world. We are capable of attaining very limited abilities to predict events, but we never achieve clear knowledge of the future and complete attainment, which can only happen when we are acting in full cooperation with the world around us.

The human being is a highly developed creature. But the more humanity develops, the more individuals feel helpless and lost. We see that the development of science and research into the world around us has failed to give us the results we were hoping for. Hence, we must face the fact that the solution to the problem is found in our senses themselves. A very accurate method we can use to develop an additional sense is called the “screen” or “returning light.” The screen, which is in essence a sixth sense, gives us the ability to see and feel that part of reality we can’t perceive with our normal senses.


How a Person Develops the Additional Sixth Sense

We receive our five senses at birth, but we ourselves must develop the sixth sense. This happens when an individual is suddenly “summoned” from above and feels compelled to experience a more comprehensive reality, and thus the need to develop the sixth sense is born. This is a gradual process.

The first prompting to sense a reality beyond ourselves is called the “embryo” of the sixth sense. From this stage on, the development of the sixth sense will depend on the individual alone. That sense cannot be developed in isolation, but rather via a special system that has been given to humanity called “the wisdom of Kabbalah.”

In each generation, there are people who receive a prompting from above and feel the need to develop this sixth sense. Then, somehow, these people find the books and the teachers who can help them develop. These teachers are called Kabbalists (from the word lekabel, to receive), because they receive that knowledge and convey it to us so that we, too, can attain their degree of spirituality. They speak of the way an individual acquires the desire to attain the actual reality, after he or she has already realized desires for wealth, power, respect, and knowledge.

In the end, we must all come to a state  where we live simultaneously on all levels of reality. We must feel this not only through our five senses, as we all do, but through the new sense as well. This will ensure our inner peace and complete tranquility.


Why in the Future Everyone Will Develop the Sixth Sense

The development of that inner vessel, the sixth sense, is formed by the order of cause and effect, or by the pyramid principle, on which the whole of humankind is built. The sixth sense is awakened in a certain type of person, one who is at the top of the pyramid.

The people who first developed this sixth sense were called Hebrews, from the Hebrew word ever, meaning to go over the barrier, the border between our world and the spiritual world. Abraham the Patriarch was the first to cross over from the limited sensation of this world to the sensation of the upper world. The descendants of Abraham are therefore at the top of the pyramid in which the sixth sense will develop. But this is only the beginning of humanity’s development. The prophets say that in the future all people will have to attain that higher level of development, a bonding with the upper forces and full comprehension of the life cycle. Everyone will have to attain an existence beyond the concepts of life and death as we know them and will then exist at all levels of reality.


Kabbalah Is a Method that Helps those Who Want to Spiritually Develop

All past Kabbalists have pointed to our time in history as the turning point, when millions of people would begin to adapt themselves to the spiritual realm and develop a sixth sense. Previous generations were in essence a preparation for this turning point.

All the Kabbalists before our time were people who prepared the system of the ascent for us. We, in our generation, are the group of souls that has joined together to become the first in the line of the collective group of souls to rise with our vessels, to actually elevate ourselves spiritually. For this reason, the Kabbalah is beginning to be more open and more widely publicized in our time.


What the Development of the Sixth Sense Brings to Your Life

When a person develops a clear need to understand the upper reality, he or she must start developing the point in the heart and the sixth sense by using the system of Kabbalah. This process takes several years. The sixth sense grows slowly and evolves; the individual begins to feel the outer world, the world of causality.

The “self” of a person, that which belongs to his or her essence, is felt only in the sixth sense. From the moment that sense develops, the individual begins to feel what we call the “soul.” We are rewarded in two ways for this development.

First, we begin to see how thoughts and desires pass from ourselves to others, understanding how we receive thoughts from others or are influenced by them. We begin to see how the world works, and how everything relates to the surrounding nature and returns back to us. The concept of time vanishes altogether, and we see everything—past, present, and future— at once, the real meaning of the word time.

The second reward is that the individual starts to acquire a correct understanding of what is happening around him or her, acquiring the ability to influence providence and to influence the world from the outside. Thus it is possible not only to predict the future, but also to create the future. These forces appear in us to the extent that we go beyond our own nature and begin to think in terms of the upper world.

All these things are real, and all of us, without exception, can attain them. The collective law of creation makes it necessary for each of us to advance to that state.

A person who begins to advance willingly toward the goal and who wishes to attain actual reality and the spiritual life no longer feels worldly pains and pressures, but immediately sees that nature and the universeare filled with good, not evil.

Awakening to Kabbalah by Dr. Michael Laitman“Want to Develop Your Sixth Sense? Read This” is based on the book, Awakening to Kabbalah: The Guiding Light of Spiritual Fulfillment by Dr. Michael Laitman.

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