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Archive for August, 2014
August 9, 2014 at 7:30 pm · Filed under Quotes
We need to discover that the problem of the crisis is the human element, something that’s really never been as dominant as it is today. So if we don’t change ourselves now, our attitude toward others and toward the global nature, just like the integral and global nature is in harmony among all of its elements; similarly, we need to be in harmony with the rest of nature. We are the only element in nature that is in opposition, through our egos, to the whole of nature. We want to use, we want to exploit, we want to use everything for our egos, and by that we are breaching the harmony and the balance. We have to know the law of the oneness, of the equilibrium, of the globality.
That’s why now we are in a new era. We have to process it, and we still don’t understand to what degree it is different. It’s a new era of evolution where the ego era is over and it’s closing in, and now we are in a new system. Previously, everyone tried to be a hot shot, the higher you were the more you suppressed others, and you succeeded. Today’s success will not be dependent on that; it will depend on the extent to which we can bond with each other. Read More »
New to Kabbalah?
Since the wisdom of Kabbalah is fundamentally different to all other teachings and contains different definitions of terms and concepts that we are raised to associate differently to how they’re presented in the wisdom of Kabbalah, we highly recommend signing up for the Free Kabbalah Course, which provides a detailed introduction to the wisdom, in order to best provide a person with an introduction to the wisdom’s basic concepts and fundamental principles, and through which you can decide whether you would like to continue the free studies in order to attain the goal of the wisdom. Click the banner below to go to the sign up page:
August 8, 2014 at 7:30 pm · Filed under Quotes
Most people believe that the troubles that we experience in our lives come in a random manner of good or bad luck. If they get sick or lose their job then the tendency is to say “Well that’s life, what to do?”
Kabbalists will tell you otherwise – that there is nothing random about any of life’s events: every single thing, good and bad, is sent to us purposefully in order to prompt us to eventually question the purpose of our lives and to try to get to know the upper power that is orchestrating our world.
Just as we organize all aspects of our schools in order to maximize the learning progress of our children, so this upper power organizes all things within our world to hasten our progress through the stages that will culminate in an enlightened state of “loving our neighbors as ourselves.” Read More »
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August 7, 2014 at 7:30 pm · Filed under Quotes
“I wish the whole of humanity could be placed into a single body, so I could embrace them all.” – Rav Abraham Isaac HaCohen Kook.
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August 6, 2014 at 7:30 pm · Filed under Quotes
“Before the emanations were emanated and the creatures were created, the simple Upper Light filled the whole of reality.” Then, when the creature, the emanated that was made or created, it was the will to receive that was created. The internal degrees of desire, of self recognition of its own state, are all that we have besides the Light that created it. So we have the Light and the desire that was created by the Light.
So what does the Torah and the Creator mean? If it is One, and if it is all of the Light that one talks about, then why are there two: the Torah and the Creator? From the Creator, there’s only one attitude—love, but it is expressed in many forms, expressions, and manners, with respect to us, the creature.
Out of that attitude, the creature was created with all of its qualities that are different, indecent, and bad, far from the Creator, opposite. This was so that the creature would come to know the depth of the Creator’s attitude toward it, the depth of the love. Otherwise it would not have attained this. When the creature exists and attains the Creator’s attitudes toward it, in all kinds of forms, manners, qualities and degrees, that’s what it actually talks about; the creature has nothing else to talk about. Read More »
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August 5, 2014 at 7:30 pm · Filed under Quotes
“Personal everyday pains and periodic global catastrophes are making everyone acknowledge the need to observe Nature’s law – to annul egoism and instead develop compassion, mutual aid and love.” –Dr. Michael Laitman
A dramatic contradiction exists between the way nature takes care of the birth and the early, independent development of a species and its later struggle for survival. This striking contradiction in how the world is governed, which exists at all levels of life, has captivated human minds since ancient times and has generated several theories:
Evolution: This theory does not consider it necessary to explain the above-mentioned contradiction. The Creator created the world and rules over everything. He is insensitive, unable to think, and creates the species in accordance with physical laws. The created species develops in conformity with evolution, meaning the harsh laws of survival. This theory refers to the Creator as “nature,” thereby emphasizing its insensitivity.
Dualism: Since nature’s striking wisdom exceeds by far humankind’s ability, it is impossible to predict and design future organisms without feedback. The giver (nature) should also possess intellect, memory, and feelings. Indeed, one cannot assert that every level of nature is ruled by mere chance.
This theory has led to the conclusion that two forces exist, positive and negative, and that both forces possess intellect and feelings. Hence, these forces are capable of endowing everything they create with those faculties. The development of this theory led to the creation of several other theories.
Polytheism: The analysis of nature’s actions and the division of its forces according to their character brought forth religions (such as that of ancient Greek) that included an assembly of deities, each governed by a certain force.
Absence of governance: With the appearance of precise instruments and new methods, research has lately discovered a close connection between all parts of the world. Therefore, the theory about a multitude of forces was discarded and was replaced with an assumption about a wise, unified force that guides the world. However, due to humanity’s insignificance, compared to the greatness of this force, we are left unattended. Read More »
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