Phoebe couldn’t find an example of a selfless good deed.
Can you?
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Phoebe couldn’t find an example of a selfless good deed.
Can you?
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Not without a screen I can’t
Even if I give to another person, it is not a selfless act; I still expect to receive something in return. I don’t have any possibility of giving without compensation being the motivation or “fuel” for my act.
Only the Creator possesses the true quality of bestowal since this is His nature. In order for creation to be able to bestow selflessly it has to receive fuel from the Creator in the form of the sensation of the Creator’s greatness. This is the only opportunity to attain bestowal -to use the Creator as the source of the driving energy.
We have so many people at this time hurting and they all have needs — the ones i see are saying help– its not to judge or question– give to them not expecting to recieve back – some want money- some want a little gas for there car- some need food so share with them- some want to u to listen to them so listen– there are sick need help– this is on the streets in every comunity may we rise up to meet the needs together we can turn it to good for all. kabbalah has been the correcting the desires to love my brothers as the creator working for gobal peace — one for all- its hard work we all can make it work together– may we overcome are selfishness to recieve for ourself.
Is, widely acclaimed, Phantom of the Opera an example of a selfish good deed? What about Disney’s Beauty and the Beast or the classic Hunchback of Notradam? True love of a pure female wins the trust of a needy disfigured – AKA: non egoistic? – male.
Something to think about…