If you’ve been through any of the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education Center courses and would like to share your impressions to help people decide whether or not it’s worthwhile for them, then we welcome your input… moreover, you can win prizes doing so!
Kabbalah is a very misunderstood and misused term, and often people who would otherwise very much enjoy and find a lot of meaning in the Kabbalah courses and materials Bnei Baruch offers, are turned off from the beginning by the word “Kabbalah” – with all the commercialism and other misunderstandings connected to the term.
Therefore, if you’ve been through any of the courses and would like to help people decide to take the course, those who are thinking whether or not to attend the next course, we’d love to hear from you.
You can write a testimonial here of your experience with the EducationCenter that covers:
- How did you feel before you found the EducationCenter?
- How did you find the EducationCenter?
- How do you feel now that you’ve been through the EducationCenter?
Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »
Win Prizes by Sharing Your Experiences!
We would like to offer 3 people who submit their entries this week $50 gift vouchers at the KabbalahBooks.info online store.
Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »
Contest conditions:
- The 3 winning entries will be chosen at random out of all the complete entries sent in this week.
- A complete entry is one which is at least 100 words in length, and includes first and last name, location and headshot photo, and is submitted through the entry form at this link: Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »
- By submitting your entry, you agree to have it placed on this Testimonials page.
- In order for the contest to be effective, there needs to be a minimum of 25 complete entries. If there are not 25 complete entries within the next week, the contest will continue another week until that number is reached.
- If the minimum number of complete entries will be met by Sunday, November 23, then the winners will be announced on the Kabbalah.info Newsletter of that same week, and also in Kabbalahblog.info that week. If the minimum number of complete entries will not be met, then there will be an announcement mentioning so in the newsletter and in Kabbalahblog.info.
Write Your Testimonial Here & Win Prizes! »
The next Free Kabbalah Course will begin on Wednesday, December 4.
If you haven’t yet attended a course, sign up today & you can already begin a self-study course immediately, and then join the live classes with spiritual seekers worldwide on Dec. 4, ask the instructors questions & get answers live, get access to the Student Forum, a free eBook & materials, as well as regular bookstore student discounts & much more!
Sign Up for the Free Kabbalah Course Today »
Image: CollegeDegrees360. “Student.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 16 Nov. 2013.
Rabbi Laitmain,
Please allow me to share what my own journey has revealed to me to date. Kabbalah is a key but not the only key. There are so many cold wars in the world today because many leaders are claiming and teaching that they have the ONLY key to God. This is not so. Am Yisrael is the main key that each and every soul must find during his an her life cycles. It is a direct relationship between Giver and created being.
There are so many wonderful teachers and we learn from each and everyone. Everybody is a teacher and a student simultaneously each and every day. It is just like in a earthly family.
When the Parents Above observe that someone needs help it just arrives. It was never intended to be difficult or filled with violance.
God only gives good to the whole creation. It is the created that have become corrupted in many ways. When compassion return, more wisdom will be granted to those making the difficult decisions. Those who do not want to integrate.
People really are equal before the Infinite Joy.
So be happy.