6 Replies to “The Spiritual Meaning of Hannukah | Jtimes with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman”

  1. As a descendant of crypto-Jews finding evidence of Jewish roots through documents, family practices and DNA, I find the “connectedness” to Jewish ties fascinating. Via the “lights” of the centuries, I enjoy listening to Dr. Laitman’s wise lectures for contemporary application to my life.

  2. I´m thankful for this explanation. It´s beautiful. Everything is related to the spiritual progress of humanity. Thanks

  3. Hi Dr Laitman,
    This is very enlightening. I am practicing Jew practices and longing for this explanations for over forty years. You are one of those on top of the pyramid the nation need you. Please confinue to teach us all your wisdom. Rebbe Zalman Shalomi said make sure we are save. You gave us a lot what you want us from you.

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