Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the deeper meaning behind the holiday of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).
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Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman discusses the deeper meaning behind the holiday of Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).
This is my first Yom Kippur. However, I am very familiar with the scriptures. Therefore, I decided I would give Creator what he wanted for Yom Kippur fast. Isaiah 58 tells us exactly, giving two lists, of the presents that would delight Creator on our fast day. I read the chapter more than once and I noted the gifts: loose the chains of injustice, untie the cords of the yoke, set the captives free,and many more verses 9 and 10……my shopping list.
I am a member of Care2 Petitions. We’re on the internet. Our petitions cover all causes and if one is not covered, you write a petition and we’ll sign it if we agree. Care2 site was my store to do my shopping for the gifts Creator said he wanted. What fun! I was able to obtain a gift pertaining to every one of his requests.
I like it like that.
loved that talk………absolute conclusions I cam to after my yom kippur experience 20 years ago this yom kippur where I am having my PURIM as well:
wonderful correction of the whole world, which is in me; never thought this could happen as it does but it does;
my story of my visitation that gave me the experience of Jonah/Dove and made me a Jew 20 years ago is on the link:
On Yom Kipur I ask to the Bore for the correction of the world, union of humanity in one desire, adhesion with the Creator and reveal Him to accomplish the plan of creation.
Dr Laitman is a great teacher! His revelation on Yom Kippur is another of his outstanding lessons. I am in the midst of reading a book that He wrote and I believe there was a divine teacher that taught Him and he is passing it on to us.
In the reading I felt as if I had left the earth, time had stood still as if it did not exist. I forgot about eating or drinking and it was on a hot Mississippi summer day, absolutely sweltering and I was not thirsty!
I only felt a hunger to know more of what I was reading. I only (forgive me) lusted after more and more of the message in the book. If I had not believed in a Creator then I would certainly would have, in reading the book.
I have to go, it’s time to read…,