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The Rabbi is correct, my experience watching my amazing granddaughter being put on Ritalin is that the school, the teachers and influencers instead of working with her creative and intelligent side gave her Concerta and Ritalin so she would fit into the same model as all the other kids – i am told in New Jersey that in some of the schools if a child shows a less than quiet side their parents are told to take them to a psychartrist who will immediately put them on meds — other wholistic doctors feel that some of these symptoms can be aleviated by testing for food allergies, and other alllergies — and of course some parents are lazy and just want the easy way out — it saddens me that my special granddaughter has not been given the chance via a second opinion to offer her something else besides meds — she was 6 years old when her medications began — i have sent so much information and proof to her parents – one only has to read the work of Dr. Kenneth Boch or Dr. Steven Cowan – these doctors have cured some of the difficult child situations without meds including children with severe autism.