One Reply to “Attainment – Kabbalah Moments – February 10, 2011”

  1. It is very important to know the different states of attainment. One day when I was reading the Course in Miracles, this seemingly obscure text became clear and simple to me and a change of conscoiusness came to my awareness. It was a frightening experience to me. I did not know how to live with this change in my consciousness. I was lucky to have one, only one of all my teachers, who responded to my fear correctly, by saying gently, “You will get used to it.” That was all I needed. I later found a description of this state in the Course in Miracles. Just one sentence: How do you know when you have attained peace? You will know when you have an experience you have never had before. That is one way to know you have made an attainment.

    Thank you also for calling it an “attainment.” The attainment itself increases your faith, and that word, attainment, is like a carrot that keeps you going.

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