Don Miguel Ruiz Interview With Dr. Michael Laitman On Personal, Social And Global Change

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Don Miguel Ruiz, guide, Shaman, master of the Toltec Tradition, and author of The Four Agreements talks about personal, social and global change with Dr. Michael Laitman.

Here’s an extract from the conversation:

Don Miguel Ruiz: When I say, “Please, help me change the world,” I am talking to the people of the world because it is time to let go of all those lies, to stop believing in all the superstition, and to stop being fanatics. It is time for us to become what we really are because we have the right to live our life with happiness, with joy. We are not here to suffer; we are here to enjoy life. Then, if we really want to change our world, we will do it for the best, according to ourselves, the best way we can do it.

Michael Laitman: We have to change our main quality, which is a desire to receive, our egos, that constantly forces us to absorb, to receive, and to use our environment and the world. The still, the animate, the vegetative, other people – we constantly want to receive from them, and to fulfill ourselves.

If some people come to sense the universe, the general force of the universe – which is the power of love and giving – then out of feeling it, they become like the general force that they feel. Then they extend themselves and start truly, from the bottom of their hearts, from what appears in them, they start to give and to give, and to love, and they start telling others about it.

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5 Replies to “Don Miguel Ruiz Interview With Dr. Michael Laitman On Personal, Social And Global Change”

  1. I was a big fan of Don Miguel Ruiz prior to coming to the wisdom of Kabbalah. I was very glad to hear this interview.

  2. Thanks to all of you. The interview is amazing. It’s preferably to me when you send me these material with text and audio. i still have some difficulties to understand the videos with only image and audio or with only audio. But my understanding are improving fast. Please, continue sending me those issues. Thank you so much.

  3. this period of transformation between reaction and proaction when do you know you have passed the 50% mark that leads to the 99% .

  4. excellent article, its good to see how people with different sources, but the only good intention to serve, sit around to talk about the inner state of people today , and they get to the same point.

  5. Big fan also! Nice interview! We need to re-create ourselves each one on an individual basis,it’s all in the ancient teachings! ALOHA!

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