The Q&A Celebration Is Back!

We at the Bnei Baruch Education Center are so excited about the upcoming Kabbalah Fundamentals Summer Course, starting on Wednesday 4 August @ 8:00pm EDT (U.S.)… that we can’t wait to get started!

So the week before the course starts, we’ll be holding a free public preliminary live Q&A session with you to celebrate the upcoming course.

We invite you all to post just one question that’s itching away at you, and get it answered at the live event. Maybe you have a question about Kabbalah itself, or how Kabbalah can help you in a certain situation you’re facing, or how Kabbalah explains all kinds of events occurring in our world, or any variety of concepts, such as whether we have free choice, how we perceive reality, why we feel pain and pleasure, or countless other things…

Kabbalah encourages the asking of questions to progress, so here’s an opportunity to ask your first question and get it answered live!… Just write your name, e-mail, and the question you have in the comment form below, and you’ll get reminder e-mails with a link to the live event where we’ll answer your question.

AND… By sending us your question using the comment form below, you’ll go into the draw to win a number of book & CD giveaways!

We’ll be updating about this event regularly on this blog, and providing new, special preview Q&A material leading up to the event to help you prepare. Here is the first of many of these: a free PDF for you to download, containing an interview between Dr. Michael Laitman and Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.


Ask a question below!

Privacy: Any private information you submit will never be traded, rented or sold.

131 Replies to “The Q&A Celebration Is Back!”

  1. How does Kabbalah relate to Halakah? I have always wanted to become a knowledgeable Kabbalaist and truly learn the physics of the creator and the creation, but I found Judaism to be a snagging point. Let me explain my feelings. I was born and raised in a liberal Jewish home and after college decided to become a baal teshuva and I enrolled in a Chabad run yeshiva. I wanted to learn “mystical Judaism” which I latter narrowed down to Kabbalah, but I encountered a problem. To me Judaism (and more specifically hassidism) seemed only to be strict adherence to dogmatic rituals. I did not like aspects of Halakah which I found to be archaic. I could not understand how observance of some nonsensical laws could bring me closer to knowing the Creator and understanding my purpose. So I left yeshiva and became somewhat of an agnostic. Of course this did not fulfill my desire to still know God. I decided to wanted to look into Kabbalah removed from Judaism and halakah, but is this REALLY possible? If you ask the Chabad rabbis they are clear that ONLY Jews can truly understand Kabbalah (this is reiterated on their web site) and that Kabbalah is inseparable from Judaism. In one of the introduction to Kabbalah videos on your web site the instructor even says that while he does not advocate having to do the mitzvoth he does not condone telling you not to do them either. While I am Jewish I reject a lot of Jewish law. Can I still become a Kabbalist or as a Jew am I bound to observance of halakah in order to study Kabbalah as many Rabbis say? Can I still attain the spiritual levels of the great Kabbalaist who were observant, ordained Rabbis if I reject the obligation to follow some aspects of Jewish law?

  2. To start with forgive my language barrier. I am Greek and my English knowledge is medium.
    My question is can Kabbalah help by folllowing all the concept of this rare, divine teaching to get my husband back? Would it be possible for me to sent to him, without him to know,the light so he will come back? Can Kabbalah help me to spread love around me and him so he will undestand and willingly come back? Can I send the light to him as well? I am Greek and by now I am studding all Kabbala’s basical principals so I will be prepared for the lessons! As you say it’s all Greek to me I can say it’s all new to me! Thank you for your patience.
    I respectfully remain


    registered as Olympian spirit for the lessons!
    So pitty though that lesson’s are not in Greek too!

  3. A Kabbalah veio da Lemúria, o Continente Perdido? ou da Atlântida?

  4. Why is kabbalh different to other spiritual beliefs/studies-where everything unpleasand is ego/evil and everything that is good belongs to the light. How can kabbalah work for me other than study/knowledge? What do you do with the knowledge and how will it make a difference to ones liveability?

  5. Is it ok that I feel it is not right to bring another child (get pregnant) knowing this world is a sad world? I could think about giving him the knowledge of kabbalah but I need so much work myself to correct myself.

  6. Q1. What’s the point of human existence?
    Q2. How did it all start?
    Q3. Where is it going? What’s the end game?


  8. I lived in Israel for one year in 1971 and studied Hebrew in a kibbutz ulpan. From the day I left to return to the USA until today I have some how retained a great deal of the language and I have no one to speak Hebrew with except myself. From a kabbalistic point of view, if there is one regarding retention of information, what is it that enables an individual to retain a certain type of learning when there is no longer a practical, day to day need for it’s application.

  9. Shalom:
    Mi esposo despues de 39 anos de estar juntos, me abandono, por otra mujer de 30 anos. El tiene 58 igual que yo. Por que?

  10. 1) To discover the light shouldn’t we discover the darkness first place?
    Traditionally it seams that being to busy to find the light, we miss the point. Probably we simply should clean up the darkness.

    2)Is “”amalec”” an identifiable element?
    Is the end of amalec a natural extinction on the human evolution?

  11. Somedays I feel like I vibrate for a few seconds when I believe I am truly happy and connected to the higher source. I tingle all over. Am I correct about this?

  12. Does the Kabbalah is specefic to help us to get close to the Creator or can help us to deal with our personal life and relationship as man and woman as well?

  13. Si el único camino para hacerse como El Creador y atraerlo es a través del cumplimiento de la Torah y las mitzvot, es decir los 613 mandatos, que hay de los noajidas? No podemos cumplir los 613, entonces que hacemos?

  14. How could my friend benefit from “love your friend as thyself” if I don’t love myself that much…

  15. My astrologer says at 44yos., I am nearing the passage of saturn returns in my horoscope and tho have still two more turbulent years. how can I anchor myself for the turbulence that is predicted in this upcoming time of life?

  16. How could we explain that the one that cause the worst catratofies to the Jewish people had if fact a important Jewish backgroun.
    That goes for torquemada, and the most criminals of the nazi party, hitler him self, heydrich, hans frank emil maurice (this last one was not charged of crimes against Jewish people.)
    How can we explain that the worst enimies had a great deal (to great) of Jewish background?
    In the inquisition, we find some the same fenomen.
    Indeed, there a other fenomen oposit that people with no connection with Jewdaism simply were condened by identify them selfs with Jews.
    I’ve some explanations about the subject but I would apreciate yours.
    Shalom Rav

  17. I am just starting to get into learning more about Kabbalah. I do want to know the difference between it and religion, I have been told Kabbalah is not actually a “religion” but I view it as it is…so being new to this I am wanting to know the difference and what is the best way to get started in the learning process. Thanks!!

  18. I have always worshipped God as a christian. As I continue to study Kabbalah do I still worship God and how do I fit Jesus in?

  19. Has there been an effort [within your tradition] to remain loyal to the original teachings — perhaps taking into consideration changing social mores [not within your particular tradition, but a common example are rules regarding women’s dress within Islam]… I’m interested in how to discern true Kabbalah teachings from occult/changed Kabbalah teachings. Further, I wonder if the special mystic nature of the teachings can speak to those of us not steeped in / raised within the ‘mother’ religion.

  20. I know that Kabbalah considers the humanity as the most advanced lifeform, and expects it to attain spiritual maturity. What does Kabbalah say about possible life on other planets? Is it possible that the spiritual equivalent of humanity can exist somewhere in outer space? Would they, too be studying Kabbalah?

  21. Does Kabbalah believe in Karma? Does a serial killer or a person such as Hitler receive huge negative karma for their evil deeds?

  22. Why do sometimes old and ailing loved ones not make smooth transit to the other side (depart)and instead cause suffering and pain to themselves and to others caring and looking after them in their hopeless and helpless state?

  23. Are there any calculations of desires we can make before we cross the barrier? And if not, does that mean we are to enjoy everything until that time?

  24. If “There is none else besides Him” and Kabbalah only speaks about the spiritual, wouldn’t that also include this world as well considering this world (real or not) is a manifestation of my spiritual root?

  25. Does Kabbalah have anything to do with “red strings”, cults, witch craft, spells, demons, magic, secret societies, etc?

  26. Do I have to be exceptionally intelligent to understand or grasp the wisdom of Kabbalah?

  27. What are the differences of the roles of a man and a woman in Kabbalah? The men are required to correct and study certain books and articles in groups daily, are the women also required to do this?

  28. What is the Zohar? How can it help us attain equivalence of form with the Creator?

  29. If my ego or self love is opposite to the properties of the Creator, am I trying to kill the ego or just change its use?

  30. If the Creator wants me to enjoy endlessly, then why not just give me all I desire without having the need for me to suffer here in this world?

  31. Does the surrounding light effect me alone when I study or only in the group environment?

  32. I’ve been looking for a group to join. I see you have them in Los Angeles and San Francisco. That’s about 250 miles from me. I was hoping that there might be a group close to San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401. Can you help me here? Thank you, Jim

  33. What is the typical timing for a person who study’s regularly and with good intention to cross the spiritual barrier and gain a screen?

  34. What is the need for all these religions if Hashem simply wanted us to follow one law, love thy friend as thyself?

  35. Is the Mashiac or coming of the Messiah a living breathing person, or simply a spiritual state within me?

  36. If G-d only does good to me and the world as a whole, then what should I do when I feel empty, lacking and in darkness?

  37. Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech Ha-Olam, asher yatzar et ha-adam betzalmo, b’tzelem dmut tavnito, vehitkon lo mimenu binyan adei ad. Baruch Atah Adonai yotzer ha-adam.

    Let’s return NOW!!! Love You All! :_)

  38. Is it possible to get record of this event or so?
    8 pm EDT is Midnight of GMT, there is no way I can watch it live.

  39. If ‘there is none else besides Him’ then the only thing I can do is pray for the desire to change my intention… anything else I believe to be independent action is actually my ego deceiving me?

  40. If Kabbalah must be studied in a group, with authentic books and a Rav (teacher) then how did Moshe (Moses) or Avraham come to learn the knowledge on thier own?

  41. Is the group the only place I can have a special relationship with others and work with my intention during study or can it be done with everyone, the rest of society?

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