We at the Bnei Baruch Education Center are so excited about the upcoming Kabbalah Fundamentals Summer Course, starting on Wednesday 4 August @ 8:00pm EDT (U.S.)… that we can’t wait to get started!
So the week before the course starts, we’ll be holding a free public preliminary live Q&A session with you to celebrate the upcoming course.
We invite you all to post just one question that’s itching away at you, and get it answered at the live event. Maybe you have a question about Kabbalah itself, or how Kabbalah can help you in a certain situation you’re facing, or how Kabbalah explains all kinds of events occurring in our world, or any variety of concepts, such as whether we have free choice, how we perceive reality, why we feel pain and pleasure, or countless other things…
Kabbalah encourages the asking of questions to progress, so here’s an opportunity to ask your first question and get it answered live!… Just write your name, e-mail, and the question you have in the comment form below, and you’ll get reminder e-mails with a link to the live event where we’ll answer your question.
AND… By sending us your question using the comment form below, you’ll go into the draw to win a number of book & CD giveaways!
We’ll be updating about this event regularly on this blog, and providing new, special preview Q&A material leading up to the event to help you prepare. Here is the first of many of these: a free PDF for you to download, containing an interview between Dr. Michael Laitman and Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.
- Personal Change, Social Change & Global Change (PDF) – an interview between Dr. Michael Laitman and Don Miguel Ruiz, guide, Shaman, Master of the Toltec Tradition, and author of The Four Agreements.
Ask a question below!
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Shalom! Is the Zohar, Annotations to the Ashlag Commentary the same one Rav uses in class @ 8PmEST?
Thank you.
I signed up for the August 4th Class. I would like a confirmation. Something happened to my computer when signing up. I’m looking forward to it!
Even I am not understanding tecnical classes should I continue in Spring 2010 group or should I start again with the new Summer 2010 group?
Se o objetivo do vaso é receber a Luz circundante, onde um dos recursos é o silêncio mental, então a meditação não seria uma ferramenta para este fim?
What is the extent of our freedom of choice. I experience the freedom is heavily influenced by the level of intention of our choice (fullhartedly or just by calculation, etc). But in the end is it really our choice?
where do you go when you die?
When and How can I get RICH ??? I really want to know that.
What is the purpose of God in letting souls experience different stages in consciousness?
I have a Dr. frend of mine that just lost is 9 day old son, can you explain why?
Does one need to learn Hebrew to study Kabbalah?
I have completed the 2009 Winter and Spring courses and participated in the St Louis virtual group mentoring programs with a Mr. Dave Manolo during the summer. I daily study Dr. Laitmasn’s blogs, e-mails and Kab TV. I have recently signed up for the course starting in August, and wish to know if this is part of a continuing course, or for beginners?
im starting the course in august to connect myself more spiritually and to learn and grow as a person, but also i would like to know how i can work/help my friend who is having a drug problem. I would like to know if theres any way kabbalah can help me find the answer to help my friend out
My friends pointed to me that my friend might not like or even want what I like and want. How can I apply the Golden Rule of “Do not do to your friend what you don’t want yourself” – if I really don’t know what it is that they want?
I have had dreams since I was young about my life and other important events in others lives, especially deaths. Sometimes it is so strong with people with whom I am close to that it almost feels like each day is predictable because I had a dream about it before. There has also been a particular person who I dream about and those events normally happen, this is a person with whom I have been friends with for many years, and he and I are both married to other people, but have some sort of connection, maybe a soul tie. I am wondering about how this relates to the Creator, and are the prophetic dreams gifts from the Creator, or something else? I used to feel as though I was cursed, but now I have seen the dreams as gifts preparing me for major events. Thank you.
How was humen being formed?
As a student how should I relate to all turmoil, death and destruction happening all over the world? Should I avoid the sources of information that disseminate this news?
Is it possible and even supposed that you disseminate as i actually seems to do buy just effecting my people who is not studying kabbalah?
Is Kabbalah a way of life? How would it help with global, family , and world conflicts?
Thank you.
How Kabbalah considers the part about Jesus in the Bible? I know it was written after the destruction of the 2nd Temple and only egoism prevailed after that time.
Also, after living in two worlds, do you think we are like schizophrenics to the current people?
How can we change the philosophies / ways of life of the oppressed and/or violent societies?
When we hear others speaking “negatively” and/or “attacking” us, should we accept what they are saying as a part of us that needs correcting, or should we see them as projecting their own correction onto us? It is challenging for me to be around a person who is constantly appearing to me as someone who is tearing me down. My self-esteem takes a hit? Is this really my ego taking the hit?How do I handle this?
Thank You for your attention!
In what kind of souls the Kabbalah is incarnated?
If a being and his soul energy is on the way to spiritual enlightenment and for example his neighbour has no awareness would his state of being effect the soul growth of the enlightened or pull him back so to speak, as we are all one making our way back to the creator?
How do i know if I am progressing in spirituality or just imagining it.
How should we regard our typical emotions? After all these emotions are mostly due to centers functioning or not functioning in our corporeal brain. They don’t seem related to the spiritual world.
What if I know for a fact that my neighbours “want” me death? And what should-i give them?
I took a beginners class at Kabbalah Center in NYC. I met weekly with a teacher. When the class was almost over, my teacher asked me to write a check for $10,000 to Malawi, Madonna’s charity. I was shocked and unable to do this, that was the end of my training. Will this happen again here??
Why do I feel more at peace when I’m with nature? Like when sitting watching the waves of the ocean or sitting in the forest watching nature.
Is it true that the first woman God created was named Lilith and not Eve? and that Lilith was created from the ground, like Adam, and not created from one of Adam’s ribs?
I have been studying with the Kabbalah Center. What is the main difference between BB and KC?
The twenty-two paths that ‘connect’ the Sefirot are indicated by one of the Hebrew letters. Some commentators have ascribed different letters to those ‘pathways’ for various reasons. Is there one answer to this and, if so, how do we know which are the correct attributions? I feel this is a question that really confuses many non-Jewish ‘would be’ students of the Kabbalah here in the West
After correction,are we going to still exist in corporeality?(in matter), or what kind of existence are we going to have? At this point the will to receive is already corrected.
Also,I’ve read the Da Vinci Code (fiction novel) and I definitely think Jesus was a person like us, not a God.Is Christian religion a proof that the will to receive has to worship the BODY,as Jesus’ body is portrayed crucified?(I’m reading the introduction to Zohar)
Can any race study kabbalah?
I was reading the Sefer Yetzira or Book of Creation. Why does it jump from part 5 to part 10? I have looked for various versions and they’re all the same.
names are very important could you look to my name and tell me something about me
best regards
When Rav Kook-the great 20th century Kabbalist and the first Chief Rabbi of Israel-was asked who could study Kabbalah, his answer was unequivocal: “Anyone who wants to.” In the last one hundred years, all the Kabbalists without exception clearly stated, and on many occasions, that today Kabbalah is open to all. Moreover, they said that it is a necessary tool in resolving the global crisis that they predicted would come, and which we are facing today.
According to all Kabbalists, Kabbalah’s hiding days are over. The wisdom of Kabbalah was previously hidden because Kabbalists feared that it would be misused, and misunderstood. And indeed, the little that did seep out evoked numerous misconceptions about it. Because Kabbalists state that our generation is ready to understand the real meaning of Kabbalah, and to clear up the past misconceptions, this science is now being opened to all who wish to learn. http://www.kabbalah.info/engkab/openeng.htm
Even when i give to my friend, my ego is happy because i am so good at heart, so generous.- how do i trespass this trap of the ego, wherever i look there it is – even when i do the most noblest things, i always get something out of it. How do I learn to bestow?
Is there a difference in how women and men should study Kabbalah? I saw a video on your website that said women should only – maybe – listen to the general lecture and then – maybe – volunteer to work in the mail room to distribute Kabbalah information to men who are in greatest need of correction. Women shouldn’t get involved in study groups (especially not with men), they shouldn’t talk to other women about spiritual development they should just support men in their studies. Really? I was so happy to find this information, have been absorbing every word and recognize that Bnei Baruch is the only legitimate place for this type of study. As a women, does this mean that any serious study can really only be pursued by myself?
What is Kabbalah?
Imam63 god.a oca sam izgubila na 4god. Stalno razmislam na nega iako ga nisa upoznala. Osecam da mi nesto nedostaje, osecam i kad sam najradosnija tugu u mom srcu. Moja deca pitaju za deda a ja neznam sta da im kazem. Moja majka je u dubokoj starosti ima 85 god i nerado se seca za njenu i moju nesrecu a ja osecam da nisam bas na majku sigrna sam da imam puno i od oca. Kako starim sve vise i vise mislim na nega mog Tatu, sta da uradim? kako da si pomgnem? Hvala Vam!
Can you believe in Jesus and learn the kabbalah?
1) We are told that when studying Tora, scanning the zohar, we are cleave to the Tree of life, yet we die why?
2) We are told to love our neigbour as our self, what about our enemy, please explain.
3)Please pray for my bussiness (Gogoro Resources) to win a cleaning contract which I applied for, Remain bless in the light.
1) What is concealment, double concealment?
2) Why should the light conceal itself from us?
Thanks, unity in the light.
Why is there only men in your study groups that you show Online?
What is my purpose?
I have been watching The “Kabbalah Revealed” course videos with my “virtual teacher” Anthony Kosinec, for about 15 days only, so I am quite new in this. I feel that I should get to know a little bit of this science, which I think is just an inner abstract pre-knowledge for us all, but perfectly divided and graphically sketched by Tony, in such a way that we can digest it and make it conscious, practical. Still, as a beginner I have some questions I need to be answered so I can continue. Mainly, they are focused on the creator itself. I can understand and agree with the rest, I mean, the process and the reasons, but still can´t attain the initial point, why were we created as we are. I know this e-mail is very long but as you will see, it is just one question but divided.
“In our original state, we are in equivalence of form with the Creator, experiencing unbounded fulfillment, eternity and perfection”.
So we were made as “perfect” as the creator, which is the only way that I can comprehend within my faith in the goodness of the Creator.
“We are destined to return to our original state, and there are two paths leading there: (1) the path of pain, and (2) the path of light and transformation”.
Which is the purpose of that? If we were made perfect, where is the need to go out from our original state? To reach again the perfection? For what? Do we go up and down in development eternally? Is it some kind of game the Creator is playing on us by giving us the equivalence of form and later taking that off to follow the sad path of correction?
If there is not free will, how can we choose a path? If the creator is kind, how can he force us to live the path of pain?
“We were created for one purpose only: to reach a perfect and eternal state”.
So, finally we were not made perfect. If the creator is almighty and loves us, why does he create an imperfect being?
“The cause of suffering is that our inborn nature (i.e. egoism) is opposite to the nature that created it (i.e. altruism). We are built to pursue pleasure and avoid pain. Suffering occurs in our world as a necessary stage of our development”.
I can agree with that, but I am still wondering why the creator proceeds that way, which seems to be quite mean. If I see a being suffering, whether human or not, whether I love him or not even know him, I do suffer too and get sad, and try to do my best to stop that situation which provokes suffering. And I am a complete imperfect being with a lot of things to learn (very far from the creator).
“Human nature is a will to receive (egoism) and the nature of the Creator is a will to bestow, unconditional altruism”.
If there is not duality above, how could the creator make us as the opposite form?
“All of our thoughts and actions are motivated by the desire to receive pleasure”.
Then, what about the sacrifice, the loose of freedom in order to benefit those who you love, which sometimes is going against “your will to receive”. Is this kind of situation planned by the Creator? And made us egoistic to suffer the lesson? Couldn´t it be possible to learn in a better way, like making an altruistic being instead of an egoistic one and place it in an altruistic world?
Thank you for your patience and altruistic effort and Shalom!
Without samadhi, can one attain full liberation?
At times, old, fragile, handicapped people do not make the transit and leave on their journey and make it to the other side. Why does this happen causing suffering to them, to those who take care of them and what is the hidden agenda of such a situation?
Maybe i am asking for à miracle. The interview with Michael Laitman and Neale Donald Walsch realy moved me. Would it not be magic to have such an interview also with Dalai Lama and Yehuda and Michael Berg to show the world how to unify, i mean the 5 of you together in harmony and mutual respect and communication?
Shabbat Shalom to everyone