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Neale Donald Walsch’s book series Conversations with God has developed from self-help topics to broader ones, concerning humanity as a whole. In this interview with Dr. Michael Laitman, Neale Donald Walsch discusses how today humanity should be recreated as a brand new organism, as a group instead of a scattering of individuals.
Dr. Michael Laitman put the question across, how can people unite today? Walsch rephrased the question as, how can we make people understand that we are already united?
Laitman and Walsch agreed that humanity’s lacking consciousness of its unity is the greatest problem in the world. Moreover, they agreed that humanity’s experience of separation from one another is the cause of all personal, social and global-scale problems people face.
Walsch raised the idea of organized religion being a major area of separation among humanity. Dr. Laitman responded that it won’t help to attack religion, but that as a result of the knowledge of humanity’s unity spreading, people will gradually start understanding problems inherent to organized religion from within themselves. Moreover, Dr. Laitman mentioned how religious writings and people’s opinions about them are totally different, that religious texts write about developing relationships of love among people, and that the law of nature is revealed to people through such relationships.
Defining these problems, Walsch and Laitman moved onto talk about what solutions they could suggest for them. You can read or listen to the full interview by using the following links:
Make Yourself A Better Person By Connecting With Others
Dr. Michael Laitman interview series with Neale Donald Walsch.
Neale Donald Walsch is the author of the best-selling book series Conversations With God, and his newest book, When Everything Changes, Change Everything.
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Two brilliant men discussing a beautiful change in the world. Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂
Much of the individualized perception is tied up in emotional issues of religion, philosophy, politics, race, etc. We already find comfort in associating with others we see as like ourselves, and when that comfort is extended to the “others” on the basis of our true commonality, I can see this vision coming to fruition. The true enemy is not the other person, but the lack of perception of the truth: we are all part of the One. Religion is not inherently bad. It divides when this truth is ignored and is replaced with feeding the ego that says, “I am right, you are wrong.” Sadly, many would rather be right in their own eyes than in harmony with the Creator.
Dr. Laitman
I live in Mexico City ,so many things here are really wrong.But the wrongest in my opinion are the lies and violence at all levels; politicians lie all the time and yes I can feel one with the others but it is terrible here, I see the human quality of the other and I feel fear.We are in an urgent situation needing veracity and honesty . Your teaching should be better known and widely spread.Maybe you can visit Mexico and have an interview with government people. The drug problem is really big but you see americans sell guns and all weapons to people with drugs.So the problem never ends.Thanks a lot
Much to think about. Thank you.