Returning Light – Kabbalah Moments – July 27, 2010
Q&A Celebration On Tonight!
It’s all happening tonight, Wednesday 28 July, at 8:00pm EDT (U.S.).
Here’s your very own link to enter the live event:
Go To the Kabbalah Live Q&A Celebration>>
We have received your question, as well as lots of others, and we’ll do our best to get through them… Also, you’re now in the draw to win prize packs of books and CDs that we’ll be giving away tonight.
So we hope to see you there tonight, and hope you find the answers you’re looking for.
Go To the Kabbalah Live Q&A Celebration>>
Also, why keep it all to yourself when you can invite your friends too? Click on the following banner to invite your friends, and you also get to download special Q&A sessions between Dr. Michael Laitman and personalities like Moby, Amit Goswami, Judith Regan, Don Miguel Ruiz and Steve Rubel.