Get Ready for Class: What Kabbalah Is and Isn’t

In preparation for the Spring 2010 Education Center semester we are holding a “Get Ready for Class” series on a variety of topics that will be covered in greater depth at the free course.

If you want to know more and register click here to visit the course registration page

What is Kabbalah?


Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) gives this answer:
“If you listen with your heart to one famous question, I am sure that all your doubts as to whether you should study Kabbalah will vanish without a trace. This question is a bitter and a fair one, asked by all born on earth: ’What is the meaning of my life?”

Many people are confused about the origin of Kabbalah and what it represents so here are a few points about what Kabbalah is & isn’t:

  • Kabbalah is a practical study through which we undergo internal changes, unique to each individual.
  • Kabbalah is a science and unlike what you’ve heard, red string, holy water & tarot cards have nothing to do with Kabbalah.
  • Actually Kabbalah doesn’t speak about our corporeal world at all, it only deals with the way we are created and how we function at higher levels of existence.

Watch the video below to find out more about what Kabbalah is and isn’t:


If you think someone else would be interested in taking this free course with you, it’s not too late to send them a link to our sign up page

Free Kabbalah Course at the Bnei Baruch Learning Center