The Things You Have To Do In This World – 5 Minutes Of Light


In this video, Dr. Michael Laitman clarifies corporeal necessity in relation to spiritual progress.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 14 September, 2009:

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.

Why Study Kabbalah Texts Other Than The Zohar Or Torah?

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

In the 2nd lesson of the Fall 2009 semester at the Bnei Baruch Education Center, we learned that the study of Kabbalah is a process of defocusing our current perception of the world, and refocusing it to see a whole new world that was always right before our eyes, but which we never learned how to see… until today. We also introduced what languages the Kabbalists use to express spiritual states, and the purpose of studying these texts.

Did you miss the first 2 lessons? It’s not too late to download them free & make the 3rd. Go here to sign up now for free and take advantage of this opportunity.

What Is The Creator? – 5 Minutes Of Light


Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 13 September, 2009:

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.

What Is Kabbalah? What Is The Creator? – The Fall 2009 Semester Of The Education Center Has Begun

(If video is not visible, then watch it here)

Over four thousand people who signed up for the Fall 2009 Education Center semester received a warm welcome on Wednesday night by BBLC instructors Mark Berelekhis and Seth Breitman, with the live Kabbalah introductory lesson (which is now available for download… details below).

The lesson covered some of Kabbalah’s most basic concepts: What is (and is not) Kabbalah, and what is (and is not) the Creator? Also discussed was how the study of Kabbalah is nonlinear – whereby the material is built within the person, gradually, until it combines together into one whole picture of reality.

Did you miss the 1st lesson? It’s not too late to download it free & make the 2nd. Go here to sign up now for free and take advantage of this opportunity.

Listen, Long, Learn, Be Inspired – 5 Minutes Of Light


In this video from the Daily Kabbalah Lesson, Dr. Michael Laitman draws on the fact that many people limit themselves to achieve certain goals, like eating less to get thinner, and how this doesn’t apply to spirituality. In spirituality, one must learn and become inspired by the Giver, and by that yearn to achieve similarity with Him. And through this yearning, longing, toward the spiritual goal, one attracts the Surrounding Lights that surround one’s soul.

Dr. Laitman also explains how those with a point in the heart, the desire for spirituality, are able to listen to what will progress them spiritually. If one has no point in the heart, then they will believe that there are still ways to progress to a better state in this world.

Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson of 10 September, 2009:

The Daily Kabbalah Lesson is taught by Dr. Michael Laitman, based on authentic Kabbalistic sources, and includes live participation by Kabbalah students and viewers on Kabbalah TV.

The lessons will be continuing daily at 8:10pm until 11pm EST (U.S.), Saturdays through Thursdays, on Kabbalah TV, and are available for free download in the Kabbalah Media Archive.