February 2, 2025
Cornelius wrote @ March 25th, 2008 at 9:53 pm
May the Global economic Community listen and pay serious attention to the accurate explanations and wise suggestions of true Kabbalah and act!
As I understand it, the “science” of economics is an invented thing; ego-invented, that is! It promotes only the separation of souls and the preying of one soul upon another for perceived material benefits and temporal power that are nothing but the ILLUSION of abundance. This type of abundance is false abundance that has nothing whatsoever to do with the abundance of the Creator toward us and our generosity toward one another, which is sadly lacking in nearly every single culture (and religion, sadly!). A true economy would be where all use the gifts they are given and then freely “gift” them to one another, no charge, no “value” attached, and with never a thought of return. If we all lived in this way, which is the WAY of LOVE, then our economy would be one of gifting and not of acquisition and gratification of the senses. And the world would fall into natural order wherein there would never be hunger, shame, isolation, or any other kind of lack or symptom of lack. The one law that all other laws must fall behind is the Law of Love. Under this ONE LAW, which is the only foundation that there CAN be, truly, there could be no collapse. Let’s replace fear with love and seek to give rather than to receive. This is the Way of G-d that is behind all the law and the prophets.
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