Facebook – What’s All the Fuss?

Facebook – What’s All the Fuss?

An Article in Kabbalah Today Issue 13

The obsession with Facebook expresses a deep rooted desire within each of us – to feel connected with everyone. But does the largest virtual community really deliver the new and improved social world we seek? more…

* Read the Full Article “Facebook – What’s All the Fuss?” in Kabbalah Today Issue 13

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Kabbalah Introductory Lecture on Second Life

Second Life - Kabbalah Introductory Lecture Preview
Kabbalah Introductory Lecture on Second Life

Today, Sunday March 30 at 6:00PM PDT

Second Life users are invited to the ARI Online Kabbalah Education Center’s first Kabbalah introductory lecture being held today, Sunday March 30 at 6:00PM PDT, on Second Life.

About the Kabbalah Introductory Lecture on Second Life
Authentic Kabbalah provides a response to escalating global issues by demonstrating how we all interconnected at a higher reality. The goal of this introductory lecture is to begin recognizing this parallel reality to ours in order to restore harmony on our planet. By teaching us how to reach wholeness, completeness and balance with nature, the method of Kabbalah enables us to discover our role in creation, and what can be done to lead the world to stability and peace. Further classes will also provide insights about where the world is heading, and how we can help avoid future crises.

The Second Life lecture and its further series of classes at the ARI Online Kabbalah Education Center will address the many misconceptions about Kabbalah while shedding light on current affairs: The escalating global crisis: natural disasters, terrorism, collapse of health and education systems, collapse of the economy; Freedom of choice — where we have it and where we don’t; Reality — how we can expand our perception of the reality we live in and learn to design it.

Register Now for Today’s Kabbalah Introductory Lecture at Second Life
To reserve a seat in the Second Life Kabbalah classroom write to slkabbalah@gmail.com.
(This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

What Is Second Life?
Second Life Related Articles

* ARI Online Kabbalah Education Center Opens Virtual Classroom – a press release on this lecture at Second Life’s SLReports.net Online Publication

* What Is “Second Life”? – Second Life is not a computer game. It is a website enabling visitors to enter a huge 3-D virtual world with millions of participants.

* Better Than the Virtual World!? – Second Life – You can find anything here, or at least anything the human mind can think of. An entire world of 3-D figures living a virtual life in the palm of your hand. All you need is a mouse, a monitor, and plenty of imagination. But what’s really the deal with this “virtuality” trend? What lies behind the passion for the virtual?

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Rediscovering Our Unity

Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person’s Guide to a More Peaceful Life
Rediscovering Our Unity

An Excerpt from the Book Kabbalah Revealed

Originally, all people were internally connected. We felt and thought of ourselves as a single human being, and this is exactly how Nature treats us. However, despite our initial oneness, as our egoism grew we gradually lost the sensation of unity and became increasingly distant from each other.

Kabbalah books write that Nature’s plan is for our egoism to keep growing until we realize that we have become separated and hateful to one another. The logic behind the plan is that we must first feel as a single entity, and then become separated into egoistic and detached individuals. Only then will we realize that we are completely opposite from the Creator, and utterly selfish.

Moreover, this is the only way for us to realize that egoism is negative, unfulfilling, and ultimately hopeless. Our egoism separates us from each other and from Nature. But to change that, we must first realize that this is the case. This will bring us to want to change, and to independently find a way to transform ourselves into altruists, reconnected with all of humanity and with Nature—the Creator.

Read/Download the Book – Kabbalah Revealed: The Ordinary Person’s Guide to a More Peaceful Life:
* Free PDF Download
* Purchase at Kabbalahbooks.info

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A Kabbalistic Interpretation of the Economic Crisis – an Article on Ynetnews

A Kabbalistic Interpretation of the Economic Crisis - an Article on Ynetnews
A Kabbalistic Interpretation of the Economic Crisis

Article in Ynetnews

The events surrounding the American and global economy prove that this time it’s serious – the global economy is in a deep crisis. What is causing this crazy turbulence and how can the erosion be curbed? Kabbalah provides an explanation along with suggestions for solving the crisis. more…

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