Kabbalah Today Issue 10 Out Now

Kabbalah Today Issue 10
Kabbalah Today Issue 10

In this month’s issue of Kabbalah Today:

* The Consumer Effect – Learning from Nature to optimize our globalization of economics.

* Ecology and Us – Will our increasing environmental awareness save us from the ecological crisis?

* Storks and Teamwork – Why do storks fly in a V?

* I Saw a Reversed World – Does reality exist without us? Or is it a picture created within us, depending on our inner qualities?

* Kabbalah Is Not Philosophy – “My teacher, Pythagoras, the father of philosophy, took his teaching from Kabbalists…”

* After 5,000 Years, It’s About Time to Meet the Master Planner – Becoming equal with the Master Planner is the purpose of creation

* Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD – Questions answered by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD–from an interview with New Jersey’s “Courier Post”

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