How Do We Renew & Improve Education? The Hot Question in Bnei Baruch

From Today’s Daily Lesson:

What began as a daily Kabbalah lesson with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD turned into a 2-and-a-half-hour long question-and-answer super session on the subject of education—its crucial state in our world today, and how to optimize education for our following generations.

Bnei Baruch are now clarifying a new system of education based on revised study methods, new teacher requirements, how to train the world’s next generation of leaders, how to use media and globally-connected technologies in the most beneficial way for humanity’s development, and how to fulfill the educational needs of our future generations.

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Radio Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on Fox News Radio Show “A Few Moments With,” New York

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Fox News Radio

FOX NEWS RADIO (October 24, 2007): Todd Starnes, from the radio show “A Few Moments With,” interviewed Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on

* What is Kabbalah?
* Is Kabbalah is a religion?
* Is it possible to study Kabbalah if you are a Christian, Muslim, or Jewish?
* How connected are celebrities to Kabbalah?
* Why are people getting attracted to Kabbalah in our world today?
* What can the average American family living in the suburbs get from Kabbalah?
* What is fun about studying Kabbalah?

Download the Interview (MP3)

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Kabbalistic Meditation – There Is No Such Term

The Letter Alef

Question: For several years now, I have been practicing Kabbalistic meditation. I took some courses on the subject and I’m using a book by Rabbi Chaim Vital for this purpose. But lately, I’ve been reading in your paper that there is no such term as “Kabbalistic meditation.” How is this possible if Rabbi Vital writes specifically about that term?

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD: First, note that no such term as “meditation” or anything like it appears in even a single authentic Kabbalah book. Additionally, the fact that all kinds of courses and study groups say that they practice “Kabbalistic meditation” doesn’t mean that this actually exists in Kabbalah. All the writings of Kabbalah, including those of the Ari—which were written by Rabbi Chaim Vital—explain one simple thing: the whole of Creation is made of a desire to enjoy. That desire can only be in one of two states: corrupted—with an intention to receive for itself, or corrected—with an intention to give, to love others.

Question: What does this have to do with Kabbalistic meditation?

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD: In the process of the correction of the soul, a Kabbalist uses a method called “three lines.” This method is built on a simple procedure: first, the Kabbalist “takes” part of the corrupted (egoistic) desire, called “the left line” and subsequently corrects it, using the force of the spiritual Light, called “the right line.” In doing so, the Kabbalist builds a “middle line” within the soul, and thus advances in spirituality.

Because this work concerns changing one’s intention from reception to bestowal, it is called “work in intention” or “intention work.” One who is not proficient in the wisdom of Kabbalah misinterprets the term “work in intention” and attaches it to terms that are completely foreign to Kabbalah, such as meditation.

Taken from the article “Ask the Kabbalist” in Kabbalah Today Issue 9. Read the Full Article

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AUDIO BOOK: Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life

Kabbalah, Science & the Meaning of Life traces the milestones of the evolution of science with which we are familiar, such as Newton’s and Einstein’s theories but goes further to present the science of Kabbalah as the basis for understanding the hidden parts of reality which scientists are now discovering. While other sciences research the definable world around us, Kabbalah teaches us how the spontaneous changes occurring within us affect our surrounding reality. The wisdom of Kabbalah enables us to monitor those changes and control them, and in so doing change our world for the better.

Audio Files (MP3) – Every Link Is One of the Book’s Chapters:

* Foreword

Part I: Kabbalah Meets Quantum Physics

* Attendees of the San Francisco Conference
* Presenting Kabbalah
* The Nature of Matter
* The Giving Force and the Receiving Force
* Between Kabbalah and Science
* Quantum Theory
* The Credibility of Quantum Theory

Part II: The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah

* Striving for Balance
* The Structure of Reality

Part III: Perception of Reality

* Building the Spiritual Kli (Vessel/Tool)
* Perception Patterns
* Regaining Consciousness
* Picturing Reality

Part IV: Realizing the Spiritual Gene

* The Reshimo
* Revealed and Concealed
* Nature’s Laws
* Kabbalah – the Modern Science

Kabbalah, Science and the Meaning of Life: Because Your Life Has Meaning
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