Kabbalah Introductory Lecture by Rav Michael Laitman PhD in San Francisco, Oct. 11 2007

SAN FRANCISCO (October 11, 2007): Rav Michael Laitman, PhD gave a public lecture at the Embarcadero Center, Le Meridian Hotel entitled “The Kabbalah Experience”—an introduction to the wisdom of Kabbalah.

Rav Laitman opened the lecture stating that the wisdom of Kabbalah has it written that the year 1995 would see the beginnings of the disclosure of the wisdom of Kabbalah to humanity. In order to explain this, Rav Laitman compared the state that humanity is in today to the state that humanity was in 5,000 years ago, and why this difference has come about.

Rav Laitman was asked to clarify what makes the Kabbalah he teaches authentic, as well as answering questions on how Kabbalah treats the ups and downs of everyday life, who or what is the Creator, how is peace found in one’s life, Kabbalah on the family, Kabbalah on the education of children, and whether there are age restrictions on the study of Kabbalah.

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What is Kabbalah? Don’t ask Madonna – an Article in the Chicago Daily Herald

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CHICAGO DAILY HERALD (October 12, 2007): In advance of Rav Michael Laitman’s Oakton Community College Skokie campus lecture “From Chaos to Harmony: Kabbalah as the Solution to the Global Crisis,” Journalist Jamie Sotonoff of the Chicago Daily Herald focused on a key disclaimer Rav Laitman has been questioned about repeatedly throughout his United States tour, that the Kabbalah Rav Laitman teaches is completely different and unrelated to the Kabbalah that Madonna is associated with.

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Radio Interview with Rav Michael Laitman, PhD on The Maria Sanchez Morning Show, Los Angeles

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LOS ANGELES (October 9, 2007): Rav Michael Laitman, PhD was interviewed on LA radio station “The Connection – 1590am” on The Maria Sanchez Morning Show.

Interviewer Maria Sanchez asked basic questions to clarify what Kabbalah is, how to study and what does it mean to study Kabbalah, and about common myths connected with Kabbalah today, such as the use of red wristbands.

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Now Is the Time for Kabbalah to Enter the Education System

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD
The Soul Is Ageless

Article in Kabbalah Today issue 8

In times when the education system is being criticized for its inability to turn children into mature, confident adults, Kabbalist Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, believes that now is a unique time to introduce a new concept into our schools—the wisdom of Kabbalah. more…

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Why Does the Kabbalistic Language Use Names from This World?


In the last lesson Rav Michael Laitman, PhD presented from Israel prior to his tour of the United States and Canada this October, Rav Laitman answered a question from a beginner student about the Kabbalistic language of branches: why Kabbalists use names of objects in this world to describe objects in the spiritual world.


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