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February 28, 2025

Archive for October 15, 2007

Beyond the trendy red string bracelets – an Article in the NWI Times

NWI Times

Rav Michael Laitman, PhD continued his United States and Canada tour last night with a lecture in Chicago on the global crisis—its cause and its solution—according to authentic Kabbalah. The media continues to follow Rav Laitman throughout his tour, and yesterday’s NWI Times article “Beyond the Trendy Red String Bracelets” by journalist Molly Woulfe, shows that the basic message of authentic Kabbalah is gradually becoming more clarified with regard to other ways people understand Kabbalah, however the confusion of differing opinions hovering around the word “Kabbalah” still keeps seeping into the discussion.

“Authentic Kabbalah is a science, pure science, that explains how we balance ourselves and nature. The more balanced we are, the better we feel,” Woulfe quoted Rav Laitman from a private interview.

Woulfe focused on Rav Laitman’s message for the cause of the global crisis we currently face: humanity’s growing egoism. “Look at films from 50 years ago. We see that people were simple people. They managed to get along with each other. They didn’t do much damage to nature. The (collective) ego constantly increased and intensified from generation to generation. Today, it’s at such a magnitude, that we hate even ourselves and our kids and everyone, the whole world. That’s why we’re so alienated,” Rav Laitman stated.

After quoting Rav Laitman on the cause of the global crisis, rather than getting into what Rav Laitman had to say about the solution to the global crisis, on how to balance ourselves and nature, Woulfe opened a discussion on the controversy surrounding the understanding of Kabbalah in religious circles: that one needs to have delved into the study of religious texts prior to studying Kabbalah, and that one needs to pay attention to Jewish beliefs and customs while studying Kabbalah…

This shows that prior to someone listening to the message of how authentic Kabbalah can fix all of the world’s problems through guided instruction on balancing with nature, a person who is still trying to find his feet in the wisdom of Kabbalah can easily get stuck on differing opinions surrounding the question “What is Kabbalah?

In order to clarify this question for first-time investigators, Bnei Baruch created the “What is Kabbalah?” environment, containing basic information about what is and is not Kabbalah, who can study Kabbalah, and why Kabbalah is becoming increasingly popular in our times. Once a person skips through this information, they can continue with Your First Course in Kabbalah – a short 5-lesson video cours

Click Here to Sign Up for a Free Kabbalah Introductory Course – Starts Soon!e covering Kabbalah’s fundamental principles.


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