New Online Education Center Semester Hosts 1000 New Students

Online Learning Center

A review of the first Online Education Center lecture, written by Ed Stedman.

The new semester of the Online Education Center started on September 4th with a Fundamentals lesson by Tony Kosinec with more than 800 new students. This was followed by an intermediate lesson also taught by Tony with more than 100 students.

Students come from all around the world including many unlikely places such as China, Saudi Arabia, and Monaco. Of course the 8:00 PM EST time is impossible for some locations on the other side of the world, and so many students will watch the recorded lessons instead of watching the live lessons.

As always, the first Fundamentals lesson started with an explanation of what Kabbalah is and also what it is not. There were the usual questions asking whether Kabbalah could coexist with various religions and mystical practices and also about the nature of reality:
• Can Catholics study Kabbalah?
• Does practicing Judaism help in coming to spirituality?
• Can commandments be skipped altogether?
• Is this world a reality or a dream?

The difference between the new fundamental students and the intermediate students who have already completed the fundamental course is a testament to just how effective the fundamentals classes have been. Tony’s first intermediate lesson featured the “Peace in the World” article from Baal HaSulam and questions centered on the intricacies of the attributes of truth and mercy (discussed in the article).

Many of the intermediate students will be going to the Education Center Retreat that has been scheduled for October 26th through 28th in St. Louis, and there was some discussion and anticipation of this event.

Further Study

The first fundamental and intermediate technical lessons from Mike Kellogg and Igal Zahavi respectively are scheduled for Sunday September 9th while the first of the Advanced Tutorials conducted by Mark Berelekhis is due to happen on Monday September 10th.

Want to enrol to the new Online Education Center course? Click here for free registration and more information

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Kabbalah Today issue #7 explains the spiritual meaning of the upcoming holidays

Kabbalah Today - Issue 7

Kabbalah teaches that the Creator is a force, or quality, of love …

In Kabbalah, the goal is to achieve the Creator, to become like Him. And the means to do it is to love our fellow person, as reflected in the verse, “love thy neighbor as thyself.” If we keep in mind that the goal is to become similar to the Creator, the coming holidays will introduce new meaning to the ceremonies, something that will continue with us all year long.

As part of the effort to promote the goal of love of man, Rav Michael Laitman, PhD, founder and president of Bnei Baruch and publisher of this paper, co-authored The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Kabbalah. Immediately following the holidays, he will begin a month-long tour in North America promoting the message of the book: egoism is humanity’s only enemy, love of man is the only cure, and the wisdom of Kabbalah is the only means to achieve this love.

In the spirit of love of man, we dedicate this issue of Kabbalah Today to the internal, spiritual meaning of the holidays, and to a special interview with Rav Laitman describing the message of his new book. We hope you will enjoy reading Kabbalah Today and feel the love with which it was produced.

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