MUSIC: Hine ka Chomer

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Hine ka Chomer
Melody by Baal HaSulam

Hine ka Chomer

1. Download Version by Seth Breitman and Haim Cotton
2. Download Instrumental Version
3. Download Vocal Version performed by Rabbi Baruch Shalom HaLevi Ashlag (Rabash)

“Those who sing praises at night raise, by their singing, all whose soul sings that song.

When the lower ones begin life by song, the Upper Ones help the lower ones with power, so that the lower ones realize and attain what the mortals are not able to attain. Earth and heavens, Zeir Anpin and Nukva, rise by this power, thanks to this singing.”

The Sulam Commentary on The Zohar, Shemot, pg. 104.

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