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Archive for May, 2007

God is Nature

In Kabbalah, the words ‘God’ and ‘Nature’ are synonymous, and Nature is altruistic. To discover God we need to become like Nature.
Click here to read the article

United Press International (May 7, 2007): Individuality, wholeness and the relationship between them is the topic of Rav Laitman’s latest article. Rav Laitman discusses the egoistic nature of humans as individuals, the altruistic nature of Nature as a whole, and the present-day imbalance between them. The article’s purpose is to raise the understanding that our current state of existence – egoistic – needs a “shift” to a different, opposite state of existence – altruistic.

In the final paragraph, Rav Laitman mentions Kabbalah as the method that was specifically designed for guiding humanity to an altruistic balance with Nature in our times.

From the article:
Both science and Kabbalah acknowledge that the biggest, if not the only, problem with our world is us. Below are two examples of such states of mind:

“I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We’ve created life in our own image” (Stephen Hawking, British cosmologist and physicist).

“And in simple words we shall say that the nature of each and every individual is to exploit the lives of all other people in the world for his own benefit, and all that he gives to another is only out of necessity. Even in that there is exploitation, but it is done cunningly, so that his friend will not feel it” (Rabbi Yehuda Ashlag [Baal HaSulam], “Peace in the World“).

Thousands of scientists, judging by the latest reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, already state that we must stop working against Nature, as we have been doing for centuries, and begin to work in harmony with it. They explain that Nature already knows what to do and when to do it. If we only get out of the way, things will sort themselves out. Just as each body has its immune system, Nature has mechanisms that maintain its balance.

This balance is a dynamic equilibrium controlled by interrelated regulation mechanisms, in which Nature thinks not of particular elements within it, but of the whole system.

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VIDEO: What is the Essence of Kabbalah?


What is the Essence of Kabbalah? 04:31
Kabbalah has been clouded in confusion, legend, myth & misrepresentation because authentic Kabbalah has been hidden for thousands of years … until today!

Transcript of “What is the Essence of Kabbalah”:
Well, there has been a lot of confusion, legend myth & misrepresentation surrounding the true nature of Kabbalah because it’s been shrouded in mystery for thousands of years, and it’s called the Hidden Science for 3 reasons.

1. In the past Kabbalists taught only a few worthy, highly developed people in each generation who already possessed inner qualities not developed in humanity as a whole until recently. These qualities allowed them to understand and use it correctly. So it was purposely hidden by the Kabbalists.

2. All Kabbalistic books are written using words that seem to refer to things and people but in fact not a single word in any Kabbalistic book is talking about the physical world, and if you don’t learn how to read these books from a Kabbalist in the authentic teaching lineage, you simply can’t understand them. No matter how bright you are, you’ll end up with a product of your imagination and nothing more.

3. Kabbalah reveals the purpose and nature of this system we call life, and unless a person has a powerfully real and serious need to ask this very question, they can’t hear the answer, even if it’s shouted at them. But today people all over the world are seeking out Kabbalah.

So let’s clear up the misunderstanding. First lets look at what Kabbalah is not. It’s not and has nothing to do with…

new age,
dream interpretation,
tarot cards,
red strings,
holy water,
Sufism, or anyism,
past life regressions,
holistic medicine,
faith healing,
secret societies,
astral travel or projection,
lucid dreaming,
communicating with the dead,
out of body experiences,
or any other belief…

…although many of the above mentioned have borrowed and misinterpreted the principles of Kabbalah over the years.

So now, what is it really?

Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag defines Kabbalah this way:

This wisdom is no more and no less than a sequence of roots, which hang down by way of cause and effect, in fixed, determined rules, weaving into a single, exalted goal described as “the revelation of His Godliness to His creatures in this world.” *

Which means there is an upper force and then there are governing forces that descend from this upper force and bring about our existence in this world. We’re familiar with physical forces, such as gravity, electromagnetism and the power of thought. But there are forces of a higher order that act while remaining hidden from us. Just like we know the effects of electricity, but can’t see it and don’t we don’t really know what it is.

The ultimate comprehensive force—the Creator—is the sum of all of the world’s forces and the highest level in the line of higher governing forces.

This upper force gave birth to five upper worlds and a barrier separating them from our world.

The science of Kabbalah doesn’t study our world and the people in it, the way traditional science does. It investigates everything that exists beyond that barrier.

There is nothing other than forces descending from above in accordance with precise laws. These laws, as Ashlag writes, are fixed, absolute and everywhere. Ultimately, they’re all directed so that we can reveal the governing force of nature even while we exist in this world.

Click here to view this video at Kabbalah TV

* Quote taken from Ashlag, Yehuda. “The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah.”

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AUDIO: There is None Else Beside Him

Listen by clicking on the Flash player’s button below:


Baal HaSulam’s Shamati article #1 “There is None Else Beside Him” encapsulates the entire methodology of Kabbalah.

As well as reading this article, you now also have the opportunity to
listen to this article intertwined with the music of Baal HaSulam, and let it guide your exploration into your inner world, en route to discovering the one operating force in reality.

Click here for free MP3 download of “There is None Else Beside Him” (10.27MB)

Related Material:
There is None Else Beside Him – Baal HaSulam’s Shamati #1 article itself.
Shamati articles – Shamati article collection.
“Kabbalah Revealed” series, episode 8 – There’s None Else Beside Him, Part 1 – Introductory lecture on “There is None Else Beside Him” (25 min video & transcript)
“Kabbalah Revealed” series, episode 9 – There’s None Else Beside Him, Part 2 – Introductory lecture on the article that describes the person’s path from complete concealment of the Creator to His full revelation. (25 min video & transcript)
There is None Else Beside Him, Part 1 – Advanced lesson on this article given by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD at the Kabbalah Education Center in Israel, June 19, 2006.
wmv video | mp3 audio | MS Word transcript (55 min)
There is None Else Beside Him, Part 2 – Advanced lesson on this article given by Rav Michael Laitman, PhD at the Kabbalah Education Center in Israel, June 20, 2006.
wmv video | mp3 audio (55 min)

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His thought in creating the worlds and the reality before us

A Quote from Baal HaSulam:
His operations did not come to be by many thoughts as is our way. That is He is One, Unique and Unified, and as He is Simple, so His Orot (Lights) extend from Him, namely Simple and Unified, without any multiplicity of forms, as it says, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways.”

You must therefore understand and perceive that all the names and appellations, and all the Olamot (worlds), Upper and lower, are all one Ohr Pashut (Simple Light), Unique and Unified. In the Creator, the Ohr (Light) that extends, the thought, the operation and the operator and anything the heart can think and contemplate, are in Him one and the same thing.

Thus you can judge and perceive that this entire reality, Elyonim (Upper) and Tachtonim (Lower) as one in the final state of the end of correction, was emanated and created by a single thought. That single thought performs all the operations, is the essence of all the operations, the purpose and the essence of the labour. It is by itself the entire perfection and the sought-after reward, as the Ramban explained, “One, Unique and Unified.”

Baal HaSulam, Talmud Eser Sefirot, Part 1 – Histaklut Pnimit, item 8.

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The Needed Shift to Altruistic Social Values

The Needed Shift to Altruistic Social Values

In this new article, Dr. Michael Laitman, PhD discusses altruism as Nature’s law, and introduces the idea that by changing social values to appreciate altruism, we can discover altruism as the source of perfect and unbounded pleasure.
Click here to read the full article

From the article:
“When society values a person solely by his or her devotion to society, we will all necessarily strive to think and to act in favor of society. If we eliminate the awards we give for individual excellence, and appreciate people only for their concern for society, if children judge their parents by these standards, if friends, relatives, and colleagues examine us only according to how well we relate to others, we will all want to do good to others so we can win society’s appreciation.

Thus, we will gradually come to feel that expressing altruism, or unselfishness, toward others is a special and sublime value in and of itself, regardless of the social recognition it grants. In doing so, we will find that this attitude is actually a source of perfect and unbounded pleasure. Moreover, we will find that this attitude—altruism—is the comprehensive law of Nature, the same attitude that controls and sustains us.” more…

Related Video:
Dr. Laitman first introduced this message in his 2-minute speech at the 3rd World Wisdom Council meeting in Tokyo. The following video contains this speech:

The Needed Shift in Human Consciousness.
Dr. Laitman’s speech at the 3rd World Wisdom Council meeting “Creating a New Civilization.”

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